Printed letter Y for preschoolers
Introducing older and preparatory children to the letter Y and the sound (I short). Outline of a literacy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic
Master class on creating solid letters from fabric Step-by-step instructions on how to make 3D letters your own
Forms of classes for the development of speech in young children
After two years of life, speech plays the main role in the development of the psyche and the formation of behavior.
Development of rhetoric in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
RHETORIC OF THE MIDDLE AGES 1. The emergence and flowering of spiritual eloquence in the 4th century. Middle Ages -
Features of child speech development at three years old
What to do if a child speaks his own language at 3 years old?
Many parents think that their child’s speech develops chaotically, but this is far from the case. Children
Voiceless and voiced consonants
II. Main part. 1. Comparative characteristics of the sounds S - Sh
Why is the production and automation of the sound Sh important? Don’t delay setting up or correcting the sound
Diagnosis of dyslexia
Screening tests for dyslexia in children
Methodology for early detection of dyslexia according to A.N. Kornev In 1982, a technique for early detection was proposed
How to develop speech in children
Article: Speech is the main tool for human interaction. However, adults often forget how
About the autumn months - for children, interesting facts about the world around them
Autumn is one of the four seasons. It comes after the hot summer and precedes
Poems about the letter M - a list of the funniest poems
Purpose of the lesson: learning the letter M, developing reading skills, developing speech skills, improving phonemic hearing,
How to choose furniture for a boy's room
Summary of the lesson “Journey into the past of furniture” for the senior group
How to choose furniture for a boy’s room. As when choosing an interior for a girl,
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