Artistic style of speech
Artistic style of speech: its main features, imagery, use of figurative and expressive means
Type of work: Abstract Date added: 01/21/2020 This type of work is not a scientific work, not
Material for reminders and booklets in the work of a speech therapist with parents: “For you, parents!”
Logo tales in the correctional work of a speech therapist Logo tales in the correction work of a speech therapist Author: Radulova Svetlana Mikhailovna,
Summary of an integrated lesson using a laptop in the senior speech therapy group “The beautiful spring is coming”
The use of didactic games in the correctional and developmental work of a speech therapist
PROJECT “SPEECH GAMES” I. stage - pre-phonemic II. stage – phonemic Pre-phonemic stage On
Stage speech for children. Stage speech exercises for children
September 8, 2018 Psychology of communication Maria Ivanova If a child dreams of becoming an actor in the future
Games and exercises on the lexical topic “Tools”
Recommendations for parents on the lexical topic “Professions. Tools" LEXICAL TOPIC "PROFESSIONS. TOOLS" Parents are advised to:
Organization of speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution
Speech therapy service in kindergarten Directions of work of a speech therapist Goal: early detection and overcoming deviations
Hebrew is dominated by dull and hissing sounds.
Do Jews really burr: features of Hebrew, the difference between the Russian language and the Jewish language
Jews speak Hebrew, an ancient native language that differs from Russian not only in quantity
Dyslexia in children: symptoms and treatment, correction and prognosis
Surely you have met children who have difficulty reading or pronouncing sounds, letters, and words.
Child does not speak at 2 years old: causes, treatment
Article: Speech development disorders occur in 25% of cases. The pathological condition is observed mainly in
TECHNIQUES AND METHODS OF SLOGOPEDIC CORRECTION IN NON-SPEAKING CHILDREN WITH COMPLEX STRUCTURE OF IMPAIRMENTS IN TYPE VIII SCHOOL Korenkova Victoria Aleksandrovna, teacher-speech therapist, State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Boarding School No. 24” Descriptions
Cerebral palsy is a disease characterized by typical impairments in motor activity, as well as delayed
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