Summary of a literacy lesson “Sounds S-S, letter S”
Summary of a speech therapy lesson in the preparatory group “Sound C”. "Wonderful country." Topic: Sound “S” “Wonderful”
“Prevention of speech disorders in preschool children” educational and methodological material on speech therapy on the topic
Article: End of 20th century characterized by deteriorating children's health. According to data provided by RAO Academician A.
Techniques for correcting the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech in preschool children
Techniques for correcting the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech in preschool children Suturina E.V., Cherepennikova M.V. Technicians
Why does a 2-year-old child not speak and how to help him?
When a non-speaking child comes to our center, for successful correction we must determine the cause
Impaired muscle tone as one of the reasons for long-term automation of speech skills in children and ways to solve this problem through speech therapy massage. Methodological development on speech therapy on the topic
Hypertonicity in a child is an excessive overstrain of the flexor muscles. It is due to the fact that in
Abstract of OD on speech development in the preparatory group “Lexical games and exercises”
Goal: Expand vocabulary on the topic “Clothing”. Program content: Correctional educational tasks: update and expand
Using kinesiology tools in speech therapy to eliminate dyslexia
Using kinesiology tools in speech therapy to eliminate dyslexia Reading plays a big role in the process
Notebook of interaction between a speech therapist and teacher. Part 1
The tasks of joint work between a speech therapist and educators. Together, find the best options for working with a specific group
Card index of didactic games for the development of phonemic processes in preschoolers
Card index of didactic games for the development of phonemic processes in preschoolers Card index of didactic games for development
System of speech therapy work for correcting sound pronunciation in preschool children. Article on speech therapy (preparatory group)
Correction of sound pronunciation in children 5–7 years old Irina Kuzyanova Correction of sound pronunciation in children 5–7 years old
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