10 best books on public speaking from recognized masters of speech

As you can already understand from our previous lessons on public speaking, the ability to speak in public is not only a wonderful combination of rhetoric, acting talent and various psychological techniques, but also the key to achieving success in life.

After all, a person who has the skills of public speaking already a priori has a much greater chance of becoming an outstanding personality, a famous figure, an influential person, a celebrity, etc. And if this does not interest you, then, in any case, the ability to express yourself eloquently and convincingly will always serve you well and will be useful in any life situation.

Of course, on the topic of oratory today there is a very large number of various materials, such as video and audio lessons, trainings, lectures and courses, Internet portals (for example, 4brain.ru), etc., and rhetoric in general is one of compulsory subjects in the educational programs of some educational institutions. But, be that as it may, the most common way to obtain any information is through books, even in electronic form. And the article we present to your attention is dedicated specifically to books on the subject we study in this course.

Below we will look at some of the most interesting, most popular and effective books on public speaking that will undoubtedly appeal to anyone interested in developing their public speaking skills.

Textbook of rhetoric. Heinz Lemmermann

This book on rhetoric was written by a German professor at the University of Bremen, H. Lemmermann, almost in the middle of the last century. The book is intended as a systematic introduction to modern rhetoric for the unenlightened reader without special philological and linguistic education. Heinz Lemmermann is trying to popularly reveal the key concepts and principles of rhetoric that are necessary for each of us. The textbook is suitable for both adults and schoolchildren, and in it everyone can master the course of rhetoric proposed by the author and learn to speak clearly and convincingly in public.

What to learn?

A step-by-step guide to building self-confidence.
These are not general phrases and lengthy arguments, but a strong practical scheme on how to believe in yourself and learn to make important decisions. 6TH PLACE: “SECRETS OF GREAT ORATORS. TALK LIKE CHURCHILL, ACT LIKE LINCOLN" JAMES HUMES

“Secrets of Great Orators” was written by a man who prepared speeches for five American presidents. If anyone should be taught how to write speeches and choose arguments, it would be him. Humes wrote an excellent guide for careerists: if you dream of successfully moving up the career ladder or promoting your business, “Secrets of Great Speakers” should be on your shelf.

How to speak in public. Dale Carnegie

This book was first published in 1956 in the USA, being a revision and addition to Carnegie’s previous works on public speaking. Many people know that Dale Carnegie is a famous self-taught psychologist. But few people know that he founded his own “Institute for Effective Speaking and Human Relations” (Dale Carnegie Institute for Effective Speaking and Human Relations). Rhetoric, eloquence and the skill of public speaking have always interested this famous American educator, psychologist and writer.

Radislav Gandapas “Kama Sutra for the speaker”

Radislav Gandapas is another person who managed to make money from the earnings of his clients.
This is a sensational trainer, a specialist in business leadership, and the author of effective teaching methods. His book is based on a simple analogy of interaction for the purpose of pleasure. The examples are also extremely simple: the author compares the speaker with a man, and the audience with a woman, and, together with the reader, looks for the path to their best compatibility. The book is written in easy language, complex things are presented in an understandable manner, and the reader gets a chance to learn to enjoy public speaking or communicating with strangers. The book will be especially useful for those who still experience stage fright, for whom any presentation is a difficult psychological test. Find out more about the courses

Body language. Allan and Barbara Pease

This book is unique in its kind and helps a person to reveal certain facets of his inner abilities. Using the material presented in this book, you can learn, based on the gestures of your interlocutor, to consciously record, designate and understand his internal mental characteristics, namely: his attitude to what is happening, his disposition towards you, his mood, etc. All this, in turn, will help you to influence those with whom you communicate, shaping your speaking skills in accordance with your new knowledge. The book is intended for both men and women, but is especially recommended for men, because... They are less skilled than women in the art of unconscious perception.

What are the benefits of reading books?

How to learn to speak and present beautifully? Experts advise devoting maximum free time to reading literature of various genres. What are the main benefits of reading for speech development:

  • They contribute to the active development and expansion of vocabulary, the ability to formulate and express their thoughts beautifully and grammatically correctly.
  • Accelerates text comprehension, promotes memory acuity and concentration.
  • They will teach you how to present your thoughts in a logical and coherent manner, and how to compose long, complex sentences.
  • They develop imagination and an artistic view of the world around them.
  • They stimulate the development of self-confidence and the ability to express themselves freely and beautifully with strangers.

Regular reading of literature is an excellent way for the comprehensive development of personality, charisma and self-confidence. Thanks to reading books, from a very early age a person learns to correctly construct sentences, put stress, and pronounce complex words and terms.

The ability to speak correctly requires an integrated, comprehensive approach that combines the use of printed literature, audio and video materials. It is best to read books out loud - this will help you feel like a real speaker much faster.

Black rhetoric. Carsten Bredemeier

This book is dedicated to the ability to effectively use special techniques aimed at achieving the results that you specifically need during negotiations or speeches. Also, the techniques discussed will teach you to determine the meaning and significance of the arguments you give in certain situations, eliminate contradictions, set the “pace” of the conversation, transform the interlocutor’s negative thinking into positive, avoid pitfalls and always remain confident in any conversation. The book is perfect for both beginners just starting to master public speaking skills and professionals who want to improve their level. The numerous exercises and examples provided in the book contribute to successful consolidation of the material.

What to learn?

How to make a convincing impression before you even speak.
How to make your listeners expect your words. How to start a speech and win the audience over to your side. The pages contain hundreds of recommendations and examples. 7th PLACE: “SECRETS OF SPEAKING” FROM THE PUBLISHING HOUSE “POTURRI”

Under one cover, advice from 22 successful speakers of the last century is collected. Each of the co-authors of "Secrets" gave more than a thousand speeches, so they have a lot to tell you. Secrets is a good read to help you overcome your fear of failure.

How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Larry King

The peculiarity of many people is that very often they are afraid that they will say something wrong or something wrong. And in cases of public speaking, these fears can generally grow into panic. This book is designed specifically to get rid of such fears, because... After reading it, you will be able to confidently conduct any conversation and convey your thoughts as effectively as possible. The work contains a lot of advice, recommendations and practical instructions, repeatedly tested by experience by the author himself, illustrated with interesting examples and real-life situations.

Arthur Schopenhauer "Eristics, or the art of winning arguments"

Despite the fact that the book was written in the 19th century, the advice given in it is still valid today. The book is entirely practical, it is devoted exclusively to the art of winning disputes and discussions. Arthur Schopenhauer successfully proved that being right is not the main trump card of a debater, as many people think, and often not even a secondary one. The author gives more than three dozen different techniques, skillfully using which you can refute the irrefutable and win even obviously disastrous discussions. Recommended for negotiators, sales people and just those who like to argue.

Sign language. Glenn Wilson

In the presented work, special attention is paid to such things as facial expressions, gestures and postures of people. These features of the manifestation of the psyche are considered not just as information about people’s feelings and thoughts, but as an effective and efficient weapon in the process of communication, because when communicating, people unconsciously react to the facial expressions, movements and postures of those with whom they communicate. This book is a very interesting excursion into the particularities of non-verbal means of communication. After reading the materials presented here, you will be able to have a much greater impact on the people around you than before, and will become a better understanding of them, as well as a more persuasive and eloquent communicator.

What can you learn?

How to behave in front of the public.
If the beginning of “Body Language” is entirely devoted to postures, gestures, eye movements and other subtleties, then the end tells how to influence the listener or interlocutor using non-verbal signals. You will learn about the importance of the speaker's posture, his gestures, and at the same time you will understand how to use the furnishings of the room during negotiations and presentations so that the audience, without knowing it, is tuned to cooperation rather than conflict. 10th PLACE: “BLACK RHETORIC” KARSTEN BREDEMEIER

I have arranged the books not in order of their importance or talent, but in the order in which I would recommend reading them. You are free to choose from the list only those essays that seem interesting to you, but I am sure that “Black Rhetoric” is a manual for a speaker with experience, albeit small. In it you will find answers to many questions that arise after negotiations, presentations or lectures.

Psychology of communication. Rudolph and Caitlin Verderber

The book in question is an excellent guide to the psychology of communication, consisting of an excellent theoretical part and effective practical instructions. Many experts are of the opinion that this book is one of the best today regarding issues of communication between people. It includes interesting and important information from the psychology of interpersonal communication and social psychology, and materials on the influence of speech communications on social processes. The knowledge acquired from this book, if applied, will take you to a new level of communication that will help you become a true master of communication.

I read your thoughts. Lillian Glass

This unique book will teach you, as they say, to see through people and identify the real motives of certain of their actions. The techniques and techniques collected in the work will allow you to notice the slightest changes in the intonation and timbre of people’s voices, their manner of conversation, facial expressions, gestures, etc. and interpret them correctly, and therefore use the information received to improve the effectiveness of communication. The book is based on the author's personal experience, which you will learn to see the true essence of things.

Course of Russian rhetoric. A. A. Volkov

This work is a serious, thoughtful, fascinating textbook, the study of which will undoubtedly increase the personal productivity in communication of everyone who is interested in the role and significance of language in the formation of the individual and society as a whole. Compared to many books, this book will quite possibly be a little more difficult, because... it is distinguished by a more scientific approach. It contains the basics of a course in general rhetoric. And it itself was written on the basis of lectures that the author gave at the Moscow Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University. The material is intended for students and students of lyceums and gymnasiums, as well as for teachers, lawyers, politicians, journalists and all those whose line of work is related to public argumentation.

A culture of speech. L. A. Vvedenskaya

Another tutorial that we present to your attention. It is written in accordance with the educational program for universities. The main purpose of this textbook is to teach everyday and business communication skills, to expand the understanding of the Russian language and its capabilities, to become familiar with the peculiarities of spoken speech, non-verbal means of communication, oratory and polemic skills, and to teach the rules of speech etiquette. The material is intended for university students, gymnasium and lyceum students, as well as managers, businessmen, politicians, executives and all those whose activities are related to public speaking and who are simply interested in issues of oratory.

As we can see, today quite a large number of books are devoted to the topic of oratory, rhetoric and other related issues, each of which is interesting and unique in its own way, and each of which provides useful information necessary for study. This speaks to the importance of having a good theoretical basis and knowledge. And this is really important. But, along with this, we must not forget that, in addition to theory, there is also practice, which also plays a vital role.

Therefore, study books on public speaking and absorb new knowledge, but remember that all this knowledge must certainly be confirmed experimentally. So, use everything you learn in your daily life.

We wish you success in mastering public speaking skills!
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Marcus Tullius Cicero "Three Treatises on Oratory"

The author was inspired to write “Three Treatises” by dissatisfaction with the level of skill of his contemporaries. It should be taken into account that in Rome during the time of Cicero, the orator was not just a person who speaks well: with the help of oratory, such social forces as justice, politics, culture, social and civic consciousness were set in motion. Every prominent statesman was first an orator. It was his ability to control minds that led him to success and growth. Thus, absolutely everything in Rome depended on the art of speaking, and its low level inevitably led to the degradation of the very foundations of the state.

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