Baby is 5 months old: twice as big, twice as interesting

10/08/2020 Reading time: 5 min 33659 0

Six months is the baby’s first full anniversary, and, of course, loving parents are interested in his development. The question of what a child can do at 6 months worries both mom and dad: they need to know this in order to understand in time whether the baby is developing normally. Of course, this is not a newborn baby in any case: a six-month-old baby can do much more, delighting parents with his curiosity about the world and his first attempts to move independently. Remember that each baby develops individually and different children at the same age behave slightly differently from each other. But there are basic criteria that you can focus on.

Child development stages

Let's see what discoveries (and sometimes difficulties) await you this month.

Growth and physical development of a child at 5 months: Twice as much

All children are different, and they also develop differently, but in general, babies at 5 months weigh about twice as much as immediately after birth. The average growth rate at this age is approximately 570 grams and 2 centimeters. The pediatrician will monitor the baby's physical development using child growth charts.

Feelings: The child likes the colors red and blue

The baby's vision is improving, and now he can see much further than before. You may notice that he likes red and blue - he prefers to look at objects of these colors. Now the baby spends a long time looking at more complex combinations and shapes. As vision develops, they begin to interest him. Now you can show him picture books and posters with bright colors and intricate patterns.

Movements: Strengthening the core muscles

The child is getting stronger, now he is working on very important muscles - the core muscles. By this age, he can lift and hold his head and chest while lying on his stomach. These muscles become stronger as the baby lifts his head and chest further off the floor. Your baby may be actively moving his legs and rocking back and forth on his tummy. He doesn't just play - he trains muscles that will later help him roll over and start crawling.

Mental development: The child experiments

Children learn quickly, and every experience is incredibly valuable to them. By 5 months, the child begins to understand that for every action there is a reaction. For example, if he hits the mattress with his foot, he will notice that the crib is rocking. Or he will drop something and notice that you will immediately pick up the dropped object. This awakens his curiosity and desire to know how his actions affect the world around him. This is not the most pleasant time for parents - who would like to pick up an abandoned rattle for the hundredth time, but if the baby’s actions do not pose a danger to him, give him such pleasure. Make sure your child does not play with anything that could cause choking, choking, breakage, injury or poisoning. Experiments develop the brain, motor activity and help the baby understand how he can change the environment around him.

The child's cognitive abilities develop, and he absorbs information like a sponge. Encourage his thirst for knowledge - walk with him around the house (most likely a stroller-cradle will no longer suit you), talk to him, show him new objects. He will be delighted with books with large, bright pictures. Develop your baby's language skills: say the name of each new object he sees. And he may even babble something to you, as if he understands what you said. When talking to your baby, pause to let him “answer.” Appreciate these first conversations - although at 5 months he is unlikely to say anything meaningful to you, it is very pleasant for any mother to communicate with her child. The more often you do this, the wider the child’s social circle, the better he will do, and in a few months you will hear his first words.

Characteristic features of infancy

Ages up to one year, but after the neonatal period, are characterized by their own characteristics, which are also applicable to three-month-old babies: – intensive growth rate; – intensive functional and anatomical changes in all organs and systems; – close and frequent contact with the mother through breastfeeding; – intensive metabolism to ensure high growth rates, due to which the need for energy and, accordingly, the consumption of nutrients is increased (a baby requires 3 times more energy than the average adult); – active development and improvement of the nervous system; – gradual loss of transplacental (transmitted from the mother) immunity with a rather slow formation of its own protection (however, due to the lack of close contact with other children, the likelihood of infectious diseases does not increase).

The growth rate and rate of development of a child is partly programmed genetically. However, the role of environmental factors cannot be excluded. Proper care for an infant not only helps reduce the risk of developing any health problems, but is also an important factor in the child’s adequate growth.

Feeding a five month old baby

At the age of 5 months, a baby eats 120-180 milliliters of milk or formula per feeding, or even more (but not more than 200 ml). A growth spurt may occur at any time and he will need to eat more during this time. Often the first growth spurt occurs at 6 months. Watch your baby's signs and feed him immediately when he lets you know he's hungry.

What else can you imagine feeding without? That's right, changing diapers! Although this is not the most pleasant activity, you can benefit from it. Promotions and discounts for young parents will help you save.

Osteopathic appointment at the Quality of Life clinic

Young children are a special group of patients who require a careful approach in order for the appointment to be successful. The Quality of Life clinic employs experienced pediatric osteopathic specialists, exercise therapy and related areas, who provide comfort not only to parents, but also to the youngest patients themselves. All diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are carried out carefully and as painlessly as possible. To protect the baby from negative emotions, especially when he is hyperexcitable and tearful, experts agree to the following: – conduct the reception not in a white coat, but in colored clothes that distract and do not frighten the children; – do not lay the baby down and refuse to completely undress him; – use distractions, in particular toys. Doctors take a comprehensive approach to examining and treating patients of any age. Specialists conduct accurate diagnostics aimed at identifying the cause of the disease or risk factors for its occurrence. Only after a full examination does the doctor prescribe a set of therapeutic or preventive measures.

Child's health: Gums hurt

Parents cannot help but be upset when their child gets sick or cries from pain and other unpleasant sensations. Of course, you do everything you can to keep your baby happy and healthy, but sometimes he still gets sick. A child at 5 months is susceptible to some troubles, for example:

  • Teething.

    At this stage, children may have increased salivation and are often fussy or cry in pain. Between 4 and 7 months, many children begin to cut their teeth. If your baby is lucky, he won't have any pain when his teeth start cutting, but his gums may still become swollen. Give your baby a special rubber teething ring or rub his gums with a clean finger. If your baby's mouth is watering, wipe his mouth with a clean tissue to prevent a rash. Luckily, there are ways to relieve teething discomfort. If you think your baby is in pain or irritated, take him to the pediatrician. But always remember that teething is normal, as is possible discomfort.

  • Conjunctivitis.

    With this disease, the whites of the eyes and the inner surface of the lower eyelid become red and inflamed, painful and itchy. Most often it lasts about 1-2 weeks. Typically, conjunctivitis is caused by infection, but it can also be caused by allergic conditions or irritation from external factors, such as smoke. If you think your baby has an infection, contact your pediatrician. He will most likely need treatment. Conjunctivitis is highly contagious, so wash your hands thoroughly before and after putting drops into your baby's eyes. If you take your child to nursery, it is better to stay at home with him for a while until he gets better.

Common pathologies at three months of age

In infants, most diseases are associated either with hereditary factors, or with congenital anomalies, or with improper care and nutrition. Most often, babies at 3 months of age experience the following problems: - impaired muscle tone (usually maintaining hypertonicity); – delayed physical or neuropsychic development; – dystrophy (weight deficiency or excess); – anemia; – various types of diathesis; – increased irritability and hyperexcitability; – failure of sleep and wakefulness; – difficulty swallowing; – excessive regurgitation and/or vomiting after eating; – head thrown back or turned to one side; – muscle spasms, convulsive conditions. Preventing these conditions is much easier than treating them. Therefore, even from the newborn period, even if the pregnancy went well, and there were no problems during childbirth and the child is completely healthy, it is better to show the baby to specialists at an osteopathic clinic.


How to help your child begin to sit independently?

Many babies begin sitting at around 6 months of age or a little later. Your baby needs strong muscles for support, so the best help you can give him is to place him on his tummy. Then try to pick him up and sit him down. Gradually he will begin to lean on the handles, and then he will sit without support.

At what age do babies roll over?

Babies develop individually, but many children already know how to roll over by 5 months or a little later. Do not leave your baby unattended on surfaces that are high off the floor, such as a bed or changing table, as your baby may roll over at the most inopportune moment.

Why does the child wake up at night?

Sometimes babies wake up at night because they are hungry or need to change their diaper. If your baby isn't hungry and doesn't need a diaper change, just wait until he goes back to sleep.

Does my child need to be vaccinated?

Vaccination is one of the safest and most preferred ways to protect a baby from dangerous infectious diseases. This will also protect other children and members of your family. If you have concerns about vaccinations, discuss them with your doctor.

Pediatric osteopathy

Osteopathic interventions in early childhood are carried out not only to treat diseases, but also to prevent their occurrence. Babies at 3 months of age respond well to osteopathic influence, since their body is not yet fully formed. Therefore, visiting a doctor of such a profile will not be superfluous, even if the baby’s health is completely normal.

The main advantages of visiting an osteopathic clinic: – Osteopathic doctors perceive the baby’s body as a single system and have a comprehensive effect on it. – Osteopathy is used without the use of medications or surgical interventions, so it can be performed even on such young children. – The clinic’s doctors do not fight the symptoms or even the mechanisms of formation of the disease, but identify its exact cause. This allows in many cases to achieve complete restoration of health and eliminate various complications. – Pediatric osteopathy can effectively prevent the occurrence of any health problems for the baby, even in the presence of risk factors. It would be optimal to show the baby to a specialist during the neonatal period, so that he can immediately assess the condition of the body, identify or exclude all kinds of predisposing factors, give recommendations and, if necessary, prescribe procedures. – Osteopathy is completely safe for babies. All pediatric specialists are full-fledged doctors with higher medical education who have undergone additional training at a specialized osteopathic school. Osteopathic treatment is not a panacea for all diseases. Pediatric osteopaths carefully evaluate each situation, determining indications and contraindications for the use of specific techniques. An integrated approach is considered the most effective. To achieve better results, osteopathic techniques can be combined with exercise therapy, massage, gymnastic exercises and medications if necessary.

New Parents: Body Image and Self-Care

Now that a few months have passed since the birth of your baby, your life has more or less settled down and you can start thinking about yourself again. And rightly so! Taking care of yourself is very important, and new mothers often do not pay attention to their needs. Start with a healthier diet and light exercise. Many mothers strive to regain their previous figure, but it takes time for the weight to go away without loss to the body. The important thing here is to be consistent and not rush. Remember that even if your body is not exactly the same as it once was, it has accomplished a real feat - it has given the world new life. Look at yourself - you are so strong! To feel even better, try:

  • Eat right.

    Include fiber-rich fruits, vegetables and whole grain cereals, protein sources (chicken, eggs, fish) in your diet. Limit sweets and unhealthy treats like chocolates, chips, ice cream, candy and cookies. Watch your portion sizes.

  • Exercise.

    When your doctor gives you permission, start doing simple, gentle exercises every day. Do not forget that you need to return to the shape you had before pregnancy gradually. It takes time to restore strength and endurance.

  • Make time for yourself.

    It can be difficult for mothers to find time for themselves, but maintaining this balance is very important. Arrange to go to the cinema with friends, go on a date or treat yourself to a spa therapy session, because you deserve it! Don’t be shy about asking for help: delegate childcare responsibilities to your partner, family or nanny if you’re having a hard time or just want to relax.

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