Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Deaf and voiced consonants, their differentiation.”
How different are these consonant sounds? There's a lot of trouble with letters, that's the kind of people they are.
Project “Golden Autumn” in a group of senior preschool age (6–7 years old)
Autumn is one of the four seasons. It comes after the hot summer and precedes
Scheme for examining children with stuttering and methodological development in speech therapy
Interactive educational model of speech therapy examination: formation of a working hypothesis Introduction Transfer of a student from mastering theoretical
NUTS FOR THE MIND. Game tasks for automating the sound Pb.
NUTS FOR THE MIND. Game tasks for automating the sound Pb. All-Russian distance competition of pedagogical excellence
Consultation for parents “Stuttering or stuttering?” consultation on the topic
Causes of hesitations in speech Age-related speech imperfections Repetitions of sound complexes and words are observed in a significant number of
Diagnostic program developed for children diagnosed with mental retardation
Committee of General and Professional Education of the Leningrad Region Autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "Leningradsky
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How to teach a child to hear sounds (prevention of dysgraphia)
Speech is one of the indicators of child development. As children grow up, they expand their vocabulary and
Children in art therapy class
Art therapy in the system of correctional care for children with speech disorders
Article: Art therapy is a correction of neurological disorders, available to both children and adults. Every
Vocal cord spasm.jpg
Questionnaire (history collection) methodological development on speech therapy on the topic
Logomag mother:________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ father:_______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5. Family history: diseases of parents; alcoholism; addiction; occupational hazards; left-handedness:
An effective method of getting rid of stuttering in adults: causes, treatment methods
Article: Logoneurosis is a pronounced disturbance in the rate of speech, in the form of delays, changes, frequent
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