Speech therapy massage
Speech therapy massage when working with dysarthric children; article on speech therapy on the topic
December 3, 2021 Speech development defects in children (dysarthria) usually have complex causes. This
Schoolboy writes in a notebook
Phonemic hearing impairment in children: causes, examination, treatment and correction
Definition Phonemic hearing is the ability to distinguish, analyze and differentiate heard phonemes - this is
The use of anticipation in teaching literacy in speech therapy classes
Syllable structure of the word Note 1 Violations in the syllabic structure of the word are caused by the presence of kinetic apraxia,
Classification of speech tempo disorders
Correction of disturbances in the tempo and rhythm of speech in children with various speech disorders.
Article: Rate of speech is a sign of speech function that facilitates the perception of heard information by others
How to save a teacher’s voice: 10 tips from a phoniatrist
Our vocal apparatus performs an important communicative function: thanks to our voice, we communicate with others, convey
Stuttering in children. Part 1
Conjugate speech is a speech therapy technique that involves the simultaneous pronunciation of words and phrases by two or more people.
Stuttering is not a disease, but a manifestation of the disease, one of its symptoms. Accordingly, in order
How to maintain a healthy voice and normal speech
Memory, speech, attention and their disorders (cognitive impairment). Memory impairment
The importance of the proper functioning of the human hearing system is very difficult to overestimate, especially when it comes to
Dolphin therapy for ZPRD
A child at 2, 3, 4 years old, 5, 6, 7 years old speaks poorly and little, does not speak, is silent, what to do, how to teach a child to speak correctly
Timely development of speech is an important part of the development of the personality as a whole. It is by communicating with others,
foxford speech therapist
Speech therapist Olga Azova: I always relied on hooligans.
In modern society, the global Internet is becoming increasingly important. Network space is not
Levels of general speech underdevelopment
Levels of general speech underdevelopment in children: OHP 1, 2, 3, 4
The state of general speech underdevelopment (GSD) is characterized by a violation of all aspects of the formation of speech skills. Main it
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