Child does not speak at 2 years old: causes, treatment
A child does not speak at 2 years old: causes, symptoms, is it worth contacting a neurologist? Child
How to learn to pronounce the French "r"
French pronunciation: how to learn to pronounce French sounds correctly?
Sounds [a], [p], , [t], [d], [f], [v], [m], [n] French sound Similar to
Amnestic aphasia - I see and know an object, but I cannot name it!
Neurologist SEMENOVA Olga Vladimirovna Experience 5 years neurologist, head of the office for diagnostics and treatment of cognitive
Differential diagnosis of alalia and autism spectrum disorders in the practice of speech therapy support
Dyslalia and dysarthria are very similar speech development disorders. In both cases there is a defect in sound pronunciation,
Features of speech impairment in children with intellectual disabilities
Consultation: Speech disorders. What are they? Marina Kasatkina Consultation: Speech disorders. What are they?
Do-it-yourself tutorials for forming an air jet for kindergarten
Do-it-yourself manuals for forming an air jet for kindergarten Methodological development with manuals
Features of child speech development at three years old
What to do if a child speaks his own language at 3 years old?
Many parents think that their child’s speech develops chaotically, but this is far from the case. Children
Diagnosis of dyslexia
Screening tests for dyslexia in children
Methodology for early detection of dyslexia according to A.N. Kornev In 1982, a technique for early detection was proposed
About the autumn months - for children, interesting facts about the world around them
Autumn is one of the four seasons. It comes after the hot summer and precedes
slurred speech
Speech disorders after a stroke - what relatives should know
Speech difficulties are a speech disorder that prevents normal communication and social interaction.
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