Speech disorders in children with mental retardation
As the world's population increases, people are increasingly at risk of various pathologies. WITH
Forms of dyslalia, their functional and mechanical characteristics (Table)
Diagnosis of dyslalia If parents notice that a child by the age of 5 does not pronounce a number of sounds,
The doctor conducts an examination for coordination of movements
I can never say the word “tank”: how to stop stuttering and start living
They learn to avoid letters and syllables, recognize each other by the way they speak and get used to
Speech disorders in children with cerebral palsy
Article: Cerebral palsy is a disease that is characterized by typical disturbances in motor activity, as well as
Sensorimotor alalia in children - signs, diagnosis and treatment
Sensorimotor alalia in children is a severe disorder in which oral speech is significantly difficult or
Speech development is a complex process
Medicines to improve speech development
Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech is characterized by a delay in speech development, primarily expressive speech. Similar condition
Exercises for developing facial expressions
Facial expressions: exercises on how to develop beautiful facial expressions. What information does your face convey?
Developed facial expressions are a useful quality not only for a theater artist, but also for
Rhinolalia in a child
Methods for eliminating rhinolalia. Article on speech therapy (senior, preparatory group) on the topic
Correction of rhinolalia necessarily includes sessions with a speech therapist. Even if
Summary of a literacy lesson in the preparatory group “Sound and letter E”
LiveInternetLiveInternet Goal: to introduce children to the sound and letter “E”. Objectives: to consolidate the skills of discrimination and
Features of the vocabulary of children with special needs development
Classification of speech disorders. Causes of speech disorders.
Normal speech development is one of the important components of the harmonious development of a child’s personality and successful
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