The longest tongue twister “Liguria” - full version with text and accents

If you decide to develop your diction, then you have probably found the longest tongue twister in the world, “Liguria”. What is it? Many have probably heard about this text many times, but do not know what it is. In fact, there is nothing special here, and the full version of the text of “Liguria” presented below, with accents, consists entirely of many other tongue twisters. The result is excellent training material. It is believed that if you pronounce it at least once every day, your diction will become much clearer and better. So let's quickly look at the full version of the tongue twister, get acquainted with its difficult parts and find out how best to approach working with this format.

We recommend reading: Tongue twisters for developing diction in adults

Features of "Liguria"

In fact, “Liguria” is not just the most complex tongue twister. This is a real text, consisting of 434 words. What’s interesting is that the world’s largest tongue twister essentially acts as a kind of mosaic canvas or puzzle, consisting of many of the most familiar and ordinary, not too long tongue twisters about the traffic controller and other characters. The entire combination of “Liguria” consists of 40 popular and not so popular idioms.

How to learn and not forget traffic controller signals

Despite the theoretical acquaintance, a traffic controller on the road is a rare phenomenon; drivers regard his appearance as marvelous, and sometimes even experienced road users get lost in such a situation. To make it easy to remember the signals, they came up with a rhyme about a traffic controller.

The stick is pointed upward - she orders everyone to stand.

If the stick points to the right, you have no right to ride.

If the stick points to your mouth, make a right turn.

If the stick points to the left, ride like a queen.

The “bare” chest and back are a wall for the driver!

The general diagram suggests how traffic participants located on different sides of the inspector should behave

Next, we will analyze the traffic controller’s signals in detail. The verse about the traffic controller memo says: “The stick is pointed upward - she orders everyone to stand.” If the inspector raised his hand up, and it does not matter at all which part of the body he turned towards you, then all traffic participants on the road, without exception: both vehicle drivers and pedestrians, must stand still. Driving in any direction is strictly prohibited.

Tongue twister "Liguria" - full text version

Below is the entire text of the Ligurian tongue twister. It is very long and quite complex. It can be extremely difficult to cope with it the first time, since accents still play an important role here.

On Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter o'clock the Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria, but thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but never tacked. And then he recorded the protocol about the protocol as a protocol. As an interviewer, an interviewed Ligurian regulator Rechisto, but he didn’t cleanly reported, but he didn’t bargained, but so he was infected about the warm -up weather that, so that the incident does not become a condemni, the Ligurian regulator is accumulated in the unconstitutional Constantinople, where the crested Khokhokhokykhovyu chokhokhotsyk shouted to Turk which is roughly smoked with a pipe:

Don’t smoke a pipe, Turk,
you’d better buy a pile of peaks, you’d better buy a pile of peaks, otherwise a bomber from Brandenburg will come and bombard you with bombs because someone black-nosed dug up half his yard with his snout, dug up and dug up.
But in fact, the Turk was not in business, and Clara the King was sneaking to the chest at that time, while Karl was stealing corals from Clara, for which Clara stole the clarinet from Karl. And then in the yard of Varvara, the tar widow, two of these thieves were stealing firewood. But it’s a sin - not laughter - not to put it in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish were making noise in a fight - so the thieves had no time for the bombardier, and no time for the tar widow, and no time for the tar children. But the angry widow put the firewood into the barn: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood - all the firewood could not fit, and two woodcutters, two woodcutters and a woodcutter for the emotional Varvara, expelled the firewood across the width of the yard back to the wood yard, where the heron wasted away, the heron withered, the heron died.

The heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain; well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep itself, to which Senya carries hay in a sleigh, then Senka carries Sonya and Sanka on a sled: sleigh-jump, Senka-on the side, Sonya-on the forehead, everything-into the snowdrift, and Sashka is just a bump in the head knocked him down, then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found Sasha on the highway.

Sonya - Sashka’s friend was walking along the highway and sucking on a dryer, and besides, Sonya the turntable also had three cheesecakes in her mouth - exactly like a honey cake, but she had no time for a honey cake - Sonya, with cheesecakes in her mouth, the sexton over-mocks, - over-molds: it buzzes like ground beetle, buzzing and spinning: was at Frol's - Frol lied about Lavra, will go to Lavra at Frol Lavra will lie, that - in the Ahmistr with the Vahmistrsha, the captain with the mouth, that the snake has a snake, and the hedgehog has a hedgehog, and he has a high-ranking the guest took away the cane, and soon again the five children ate five honey mushrooms and half a quarter of four lentils without worms, and one thousand six hundred and sixty-six pies with cottage cheese from curdled milk whey - about all of this, around the bell, the bells were ringing, so much so that even Konstantin, a Salzburg unpromising man, stated from under an armored personnel carrier:

Just as you can’t ring all the bells, you can’t re-ring the bells,
so you can’t speed up all the tongue twisters, you can’t over-speak; but trying is not torture.
You can download the tongue twister “Liguria” from this link.

Several years ago, Andrei Vyacheslavovich Kuraev, protodeacon of the Russian Orthodox Church, professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, writer, scientist, senior researcher at the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, author of the official textbook “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture,” came up with the concept according to which holidays should be associated with 23 February and March 8 with the Jewish holiday of Purim - in connection with the initiative of Clara Zetkin:

“Clara Zetkin is Jewish.
And associations with the history of her native people are quite natural for her. "Joan of Arc" of Jewish national history was named Esther. And therefore, when the party set the task of coming up with a women's holiday , Clara Zetkin remembered Esther. Many centuries ago, Esther saved her people from a tyrant. The memory of those events has been preserved for centuries... The annual and most joyful holiday of the Jewish people - the holiday of Purim - is dedicated to Esther. And it is celebrated just at the turning point from winter to spring... Perhaps in the year when it was decided to start celebrating “International Women’s Day”, the holiday of Purim fell on March 8th. Changing the date of the Revolutionary Women holiday every year would be both inconvenient and too obvious: it would be too noticeable that only Purim is celebrated. And therefore, it was decided to separate the celebration of the Destroyer Woman from the Purim holiday, to fix it, and annually on March 8, regardless of lunar cycles, to call on all the peoples of the earth to glorify the Warrior Woman. Glorify Esther. That is, congratulations on Purim (even if without realizing it)... March 8 according to the new style is February 23 according to the old style. Here is the answer - why the “men’s” day and the “women’s” day are so close to each other... So it is not proper for Christians to celebrate the holiday of Purim, even under a different name .”
A. Kuraev. “How they make an anti-Semite” (1998, 2006) We propose to ignore unimportant chronological details - calendar evidence that in 1910 Purim was celebrated on March 24, in 1911 - on March 14, in 1912 - on March 4, due to their irrelevance in this conceptual context.

Kuraev also associates the communist idea with Jewish thought and genetics:

“In any revolution aimed at the destruction of canons and traditions, national forms of being and consciousness, Jews take an active part - either directly arranging it, or provoking it with constant grumbling about “this country” and “these dogmas,” or organizing information for it -advertising support." In Jews, at the genetic level, there is something “intangible and elusive as a whole - fundamentally hostile to the moral and social order... only Jews have instinct, the infallibility of instinct and absolute recklessness in the logic of denial.”

The heated controversy surrounding this concept appears to have been overly emotional, which prevented the true essence of the problem from being revealed.
Now, after years have passed, it makes sense to address the issue raised sine ira et studio, drawing on previously unused sources. 1. Klara
Alexander Nezhny in her article “With greetings from Klara” consistently, although without sufficient grounds, tries to prove the inconsistency of the connection between Purim and International Women’s Day reconstructed by Kuraev, as well as to destroy the “cornerstone” of Kuraev’s concept - the assertion of Klara Zetkin’s affiliation (nee Eisner, variants: Eisner, Eysner, Eissner, Eißner; Russian transcr.: Eisner, Eisner) to Jewishness. We have to reject this polemical attack by A. Nezhny, citing German and Jewish sources:

"Kurt Eisner, a Jew, headed the government in the Communist-Jewish government of Bavaria." FK Wiebe. Germany and the Jewish Problem

“Among those elements who made a revolution - a good word for a banal coup d'etat - and who did not want to limit themselves to bourgeois-democratic changes, but insisted, as in Russia, on the complete concentration of absolute power in their Jewish hands, there were such names as Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, Eisner, Landauer." Rudolf Schay. Juden in der deutschen politik

Clara's Jewish origin is also clearly indicated by her circle of contacts and social preferences: her husband (from 1882) and the father of her sons was the Odessa Jew Osip Zetkin (1850–1889); her closest friends were Karl Marx's daughter Laura Lafargue (1845–1911) and Rosa Luxemburg (1871–1919), who, moreover, since 1907 had a long-term affair with Clara's son, Konstantin Zetkin, who was delighted, smitten and captivated by the fiery Rose's speeches at the congress of the Second International.

Another significant shortcoming of A. Nezhny’s work is the lack of reference to folklore sources, namely, to the patter “Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl” (options: a) “Karl stole corals from Clara, and Klara stole to the chest, and stole Karl’s clarinet”; b) “If Karl had not stolen corals from Clara, then Clara would not have stolen Karl’s clarinet.”

We will have to make up for this deficiency, noting in passing that the emphatically intense tempo rhythm of the tongue twister genre is precisely intended to serve to obscure, conceal its deep meaning, which we intend to clarify in the process of our research.
2. Karl
The analysis allows us to identify three relevant Karl figures, who also turn out to be closely related to each other: Karl Marx (1818–1883), a descendant of rabbis, the creator of the International, “Capital” and the teachings of his name; Karl Liebknecht (1871–1919), one of the founders of the German Communist Party, a lawyer by profession; according to authoritative sources, named Karl in honor of his godfather Marx (in this act the practical implementation of Judeo-Christian dialogue and agreement is evident), and Karl Kautsky (1854–1938). The works of the last of Charles have not reached our time, but we can judge them from indirect sources:

“You should read something,” he suggested, “otherwise, you know...” “I’m already reading, reading...” answered Sharikov and suddenly, predatorily and quickly poured himself half a glass of vodka... “What are you reading?” - This... What's her name... correspondence between Engels and this... what's his name, the devil? - with Kautsky . Bormenthal stopped his fork halfway with a piece of white meat, and Philip Philipovich spilled the wine... - Let me know what you can say about what you read? Sharikov shrugged: “I don’t agree.” - With whom? With Engels or with Kautsky? “With both,” answered Sharikov. -...And what could you offer for your part? - What is there to offer... Otherwise they write, write... Congress, some Germans... My head is swelling. Take everything and divide it..."

M. Bulgakov. "Dog's heart"

3. Corals

Corals are known to be used in the symbolism of folk superstitions as precious stones. According to Ovid's Metamorphoses, they emerged from the severed head of the Gorgon Medusa as her blood dripped into the sand:

He, having scooped up the water, washes the heroic hands And, so that the hard sand does not rub the head of the serpentine, He lays down the leaves and the canes that have grown in the water. Each young sprout with juice that is not yet diminishing, having drunk the poison of the monster, instantly becomes a stone; Its stems and foliage acquire unexpected strength. The sea nymphs, marveling, experience the miraculous work Immediately on many stems, and they themselves, having achieved this, are glad, and so they throw more and more abundant seeds into the water. And so the natural property of corals : As soon as you touch them with air, they immediately become hard; What was a vine in the sea becomes a stone above the water. Ovid. "Metamorphoses". 4:740

Therefore, red coral branches were used in amulets as a protective remedy against the “evil eye,” an apotropaic and healing agent. The symbolism of corals combines the tree (the axis of the world) and the ocean (the abyss), the lunar principle (= the basis of the Jewish calendar) and - most importantly - blood (= the basis of the blood libel).

Thus, by taking away from the Jewish Clara her property (=an inherent property, her Jewishness) - corals, the contaminated image of the socialist-Karls from the tongue twister deprives her of belonging to the Jewish people and introduces her to the world international.
4. Clarinet
clarinet, French. Clarinette (feminine diminutive). The literal interpretation (pshat) encourages us to read this semantics as an attempt to veil, to annihilate Clara: “There is no Clara,” or “Clara net,” however, an in-depth analysis of the sources leads to a different interpretation:

“Pillot, a musician, collecting materials for an exhibition at the Conservatory, visited a village on the Oise, where wooden musical instruments have been made for almost three hundred years: in this village there are no farms, the peasants there do not plow, do not sow, do not mow , but everything is exactly glued to the bench, they make clarinets , composed of thirty parts each. Don’t you think that this area, this fantastic area, is worthy of Hoffmann’s pen?” Brothers Goncourt. "Diaries"

Compare: Jews do not sow grain, Jews trade in shops, Jews go bald earlier, Jews steal more... B. Slutsky


“The numerical value 30 is assigned to the twelfth letter of the Hebrew alphabet - lamed, which contains the quality of “advancement of affairs”; this is the purposeful energy necessary to begin any business, and the inevitable sacrifices that accompany any activity. Lamed represents an instrument for coercion and obedience of cattle." N. Pennik. "Magic Alphabets"

Thus, the clarinet undeniably appears as a symbol of Jewish tradition.

If we turn to European sources, then the clarinet will appear as a symbol of poverty and decline, professional failure, falsehood, baseness and vulgarity, lack of understanding of reality, desire for despotic power - that is, those properties with which the communist doctrine is associated.

Balzac's impoverished and blind character plays the clarinet at a wedding party:

“The orchestra consisted of three blind men... The first was a violinist, the second was a clarinetist , the third played the harmonic. They were paid seven francs per night. That night, of course, they did not perform either Rossini or Beethoven. They played what they wanted and as best they could , and no one reproached them... Their music was so ear-melting... I felt the strongest curiosity, because my soul moved into the body of the clarinetist. The violinist and the flageoletist had the most ordinary faces - the faces of the blind, well-known to everyone... but the face of the clarinetist was one of those that immediately attracts the attention of an artist and philosopher... The old man blew into the clarinet at random, not taking into account either the melody or the rhythm ... he , without any hesitation, every now and then he “gave the goose,” as musicians in orchestras say; the dancers were just as unaware of this as were both of my Italian comrades. Something majestic and despotic-powerful was felt in this elderly Homer, who concealed within himself a kind of “Odyssey” doomed to oblivion . His greatness was so palpable that it made him forget his humiliation, his power was so tenacious that it triumphed over his poverty... over his deeply sunken eye sockets, where it was just as scary to meet the fire of thought as it was scary to look into a cave and find robbers with torches and with daggers . In this cage of human flesh a lion languished, having wasted his fury uselessly in the fight against the iron bars.” O. Balzac. "Facino Cane"

Thus, the victorious Clara-Esther (and in one version of the tongue twister she is directly and unambiguously called “krali”, i.e. queen, queen), having seized the clarinet, deprives the communist robbers Charles of power and glory, as shown by the further course of historical events .

The deep meaning recorded in the patter reflects the intra-Jewish confrontation, the dramatic struggle between the universal and the particular, between internationalism and the national Jewish tradition.

Accents in the Ligurian tongue twister

In order for the longest tongue twister “Liguria” to benefit you and become an excellent help for the development of the articulatory apparatus, it is very important to read it correctly. After all, it’s not enough to clearly and distinctly say “on Thursday the fourth” or about how ships maneuvered somewhere there. It is important to understand the meaning and essence of the text from the tongue twisters, and here you cannot do without some explanations. In addition, such comments will make your speech more correct and competent. After all, today many people distort accents.

So here are some important notes about accent placement in Liguria:

  • “Sasha” - emphasis on the second vowel, since we are not talking about a name, but about a pillow with a scent to repel moths;
  • In the words “sergeant” and “captain”, which denote military ranks, the emphasis is on the first syllable;
  • In the phrase “tar widow” the emphasis is also on the first vowel.

On a note! In any word with the letter “E” the emphasis is always placed on it.

It is also worth noting that the stress falls on the first syllable in the word “creeped”, but when pronouncing the name of the city “Barndenburg”, the emphasis should be shifted to the sound “u”, since according to the rules of the Russian language this word is read in this way. The “y” is also emphasized when denoting Liguria itself.

Note! Liguria is not only the name of the proposed text for the development of diction, but also the region of Italy.

When working on a long tongue twister, pay attention to the reading of the word “sexton”. Here the emphasis is on the very last sound.

When you read Liguria, read the names correctly. Here you may have a hitch with the words “Frola, Frolu.” It is worth mentioning right away that the interpretation of the correct pronunciation of this name in various sources may differ from each other. But don't forget the rules and their exceptions. In the names Peter, Frol, Lev, the emphasis is on the last syllable.

Of course, such a big tongue twister about Liguria, as it is commonly called, will not be “given” to you just like that. After all, some of the words in it are outdated; today they are practically not found in our everyday life - hence the main difficulties.

We recommend reading: The most difficult tongue twisters

How to work with the text of the tongue twister “Liguria”

If you decide to download “Liguria” and work on the text, then you should organize your work correctly. It is believed that with desire, some effort and systematic work, you can memorize the text about the Ligurian traffic controller in just 7 days. Here's a little plan:

  1. Read the text slowly for 15 minutes, trying to understand the essence. Read each word clearly and correctly, placing all accents correctly.
  2. Read again using the same principle, but increase the pace a little.
  3. Work for at least 15-30 minutes. Learn the first 15 lines by heart. Read everything else quickly.
  4. Repeat what you have learned. Add 15 more lines. Quickly read everything else within half an hour.
  5. Speak out everything you have learned by heart. Add the next 15 lines. Then work according to the principle of the previous days.
  6. Repeat 45 lines. Complete the remaining text. Repeat all phrases from memory for 30 minutes.
  7. Speak the entire memorized text from the tongue twisters by heart several times. The pace should be fast and the pronunciation should be clear. Don't forget about the correct placement of accents.

We recommend reading: Tongue twisters for adults

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