Correct speech
Many people believe that intelligence only includes erudition and logical thinking. Actually
Speech development specialists do not give clear deadlines for when a child should speak at 2
The problems will certainly go away. The work of a speech therapist for dysarthria is aimed at restoring the softness of speech. Warm-up in progress
A speech therapy examination of children 4-5 years old is necessary to determine the level of their speech, communication and emotional-volitional skills.
Developed facial expressions are a useful quality not only for a theater artist, but also for
September, October, November (1st period of study) Lexical topics: “Toys”, “Vegetables”, “Autumn”, “Fruits”, “Our body”,
Designers and clothing designers use special names for parts and cuts of clothing. Each product
Fine motor skills are not fine. Let's play and develop: improving fine motor skills You, dear ones
Author: Rufina Belkina Speech therapist (from the Greek logos - speech and paideia - education) -
Books to help Speech therapy massage and articulation gymnastics. Practical guide, ed. Krause E.