Top 10 smartest books of the decade that will definitely make you an intellectual, photo
What books are best to read to develop intelligence?
Many people believe that intelligence only includes erudition and logical thinking. Actually
Doctor Komarovsky
Reasons for the lack of speech in a 2-year-old child according to Komarovsky, recommendations for restoring speech function
Speech development specialists do not give clear deadlines for when a child should speak at 2
Subcortical nodes
Summary of an individual speech therapy session with a child with dysarthria
The problems will certainly go away. The work of a speech therapist for dysarthria is aimed at restoring the softness of speech. Warm-up in progress
Methods of speech therapy examination of children according to Akimenko V.M.
A speech therapy examination of children 4-5 years old is necessary to determine the level of their speech, communication and emotional-volitional skills.
Exercises for developing facial expressions
Development of facial expressions: simple exercises for adults and children
Developed facial expressions are a useful quality not only for a theater artist, but also for
Planning speech therapy classes in the younger group
September, October, November (1st period of study) Lexical topics: “Toys”, “Vegetables”, “Autumn”, “Fruits”, “Our body”,
Clothing cut details
Clothes and hats. Visual aids and games.
Designers and clothing designers use special names for parts and cuts of clothing. Each product
Games to develop fine motor skills for children
Exercises and games to develop fine motor skills for babies up to one year old, children 2-3, 3-4 years old.
Fine motor skills are not fine. Let's play and develop: improving fine motor skills You, dear ones
Speech therapist
How much does a speech therapist earn per month in Russia?
Author: Rufina Belkina Speech therapist (from the Greek logos - speech and paideia - education) -
Multifunctional correctional and developmental aids for automation and differentiation of speech sounds
A practical guide to correcting sound pronunciation in children for speech therapists and parents, Anishchenkova E.S., 2011
Books to help Speech therapy massage and articulation gymnastics. Practical guide, ed. Krause E.
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