Kolosok retelling of a Ukrainian folk tale mnemonic table
Often parents are faced with the fact that children do not remember information well at school. Schoolchildren listening
Doctor Komarovsky: what to do if a child a year or older does not speak
Lack of speech in children aged two years often becomes a cause for concern for parents.
Cockerel drawing for children with pencil, paints in color, black and white
To achieve commercial success in poultry breeding, you need to understand the physiological characteristics of the chosen species.
Review of types of cookware by purpose and materials of manufacture
When a child tries complementary feeding, it is very important not only to select quality products, but also to serve
Summary of an integrated cognitive-speech lesson for children in the senior speech therapy group. Theme: “Wonderful Land of Toys”
Speech game with toys 3. Bunnies Let's get acquainted with toy bunnies: part 1. Learn
Girl and mother reading a fairy tale
How to quickly teach a child to read syllables? 5 fun exercises!
Learning to read syllables - this stage in teaching children to read is one of
GCD for teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Sounds [F], [F']. Letter F"
Everything to create conditions for the formation of the skill of confident differentiation of paired consonants “v-f”. Large selection of exercises
Pictures of fruits, educational cards using Doman’s method “Wooederkind from the cradle” download for studying fruits with children
Colorful and bright pictures with fruits, as well as materials for classes on the topic
'"Sound and letter A." Literacy lesson' width="540
“Sound A. Letter A.” outline of a literacy lesson (preparatory group)
Sound [a], letter A. Lesson summary for preparatory school group Topic: “Sound [a],
Arctic fox
Summary of the lesson “Fauna of the Far North” in the preparatory group
Dangerous land predators Animals of the Arctic, despite strong winds and lack of heat, are diverse. Among
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