Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Differentiation of vowels O A”
Elimination of confusion in writing the letters i-u, l-m in primary schoolchildren. Task 3. Write it down
To your health. Say “Mom”, or Why doesn’t the child speak? Speech therapist advises how to help a silent little one
Preschool age Three-year-olds are already able to express the simplest judgments, generalize, establish the simplest relationships and differentiate
Corrective work of a teacher with children with speech disorders
Corrective work of a teacher with children with speech disorders Elena Guryeva Corrective work of a teacher with
General underdevelopment of speech and its correction through games.
General underdevelopment of speech and its correction through games. OHP and its correction through games.
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Trip to a furniture store”
GCD for speech development. Topic “Furniture” Goal: Creating conditions for the development of children’s speech
Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy in the senior group on the topic “Sounds [a], [u]. Letters A, U"
Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy in the senior group on the topic “Sounds [a],
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the development of coherent speech in a compensatory preparatory group with OHP on the topic “Journey to the autumn forest”
Article: Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, social and aesthetic development, physical development.
Using elements of Su-Jok therapy in the work of a speech therapist
How to practice with a chestnut ball First of all, games with a ball and a Su Jok ring are used
Specifics of using sand therapy in speech therapy classes
The use of sand therapy in correcting the speech of children Author: Esipova Natalya Anatolyevna You can play with sand
Summary of organized educational activities on logorhythmics in the group for children with logoneurosis “Trees”
Summary of a logorhythmic lesson with children with stuttering in the senior group Bibliographic description: Efremova, A.
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