Selection of offers
Games for speech development in preschoolers - from the simplest to didactic
Games for speech development for younger preschoolers Children 3-4 years old are faster than
Conditions of speech development
Automation of sound Card file on speech therapy on the topic
Speech therapy online exercises Speech therapy of vowels: | | | | | | | |
Pure sayings in pictures
Automation [C] in words. Pronunciation of the sound [C] at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a word
Teaching children the correct pronunciation of sounds consists of several stages. First, you need to prepare the articulatory apparatus.
Consultation for parents “Sounds [K], [K']; [K] - [K']. Letter K"
Automation of sounds K and Kb Article: SOUND K. (No. 1) 1. Articulation gymnastics. 2. Automation
Speech therapist as a profession: introduction, pros and cons, work and prospects
Speech therapy is a science that is at the intersection of medicine, pedagogy and psychology, and studies various
'Staging the sound "Sh"
Introducing the sound “SH” to a child in stages. Speech therapy classes, video lessons, exercises with pictures. Articulation gymnastics
Speech therapy online exercises Speech therapy of vowels: | | | | | | | |
Automation of sound
Automation of sound Card file on speech therapy on the topic
We begin automating sounds in words only after the child clearly pronounces an isolated sound
Sounds [M] [M`]. Letters M, methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)
Unpaired voiced consonants In the Russian language, in addition to the paired consonants considered, there are unpaired voiced consonants,
Making whistling sounds
Sequence of work on sound production [C]. Methodological development for speech therapists
A child begins to pronounce whistling sounds correctly at about 3-4 years of age. But some children
Speech therapy massage
3 stages of producing hissing sounds using articulatory gymnastics
Types and causes of violations of the pronunciation of the sound Ш Distortion of sibilants is called sigmatism. In the case of
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