Stage speech for children. Stage speech exercises for children

  • September 8, 2018
  • Psychology of communication
  • Maria Ivanova

If a child dreams of becoming an actor or a professional presenter on radio and TV shows in the future, then he needs to train long and hard. To achieve this goal, there is a set of special exercises for stage speech. Methods will include various training sessions that will help improve your diction and gain new skills. Specialized classes contribute to the development of acting skills in both adults and children. This article will discuss: methods of stage speech for children, diction exercises.

Distinctive features of stage speech

Any person who plans to devote his life to acting must perform a set of special exercises. In the process of such classes, he will need to develop a loud voice, good diction, and learn how to correctly place emphasis in the text. This will help to express basic emotions and feelings, and correctly perform the task at hand. The technique of stage speech is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. An actor seeking to develop his talents must be able to convey the mood, show the inner world, character and other distinctive features of his character. If a person learns to do this correctly, he will soon become a real star in the cinema or theater.

Stage speech is considered a mandatory addition to acting. This technology developed over a long period of time and continued to be actively improved as it developed. Ancient Greek speakers used it in speech while moving, since this type of speech aroused the greatest interest among the audience. Already in those days, people understood that not only the meaning of the spoken words was important, but also the quality of their presentation, the intonation used and the method of reading.

Demosthenes, a famous philosopher and orator, had a very quiet voice by nature; all his speech was more like muttering, so many listeners simply could not make out his words. After the thinker realized what his problem was, he began to persistently train his diction. To do this, Demosthenes constantly went out to the edge of the cliff by the sea and made his speech, trying to shout over the noise of the raging waves. His contemporaries claim that he also often secluded himself in a cave and it was there that he rehearsed his monologues so that he had a chance to listen to himself.

Currently, there is no need to use such radical methods to improve your oratory. For this purpose, there are special stage speech exercises for preschool children. All of them are considered quite simple, but at the same time effective. Rehearsals to improve diction can be done at home or take classes with a teacher.

Rapid improvement in speaking technique

If a parent wants to develop correct, clear and beautiful speech in his child, then he should enroll him in special lessons. Teachers will help you cope with this task.

Many people have had to attend a lecture or other class and listen to boring and inarticulate speech, which makes you want to sleep more than do anything. A professional speaker uses all the available capabilities of his speech apparatus, which helps to regularly maintain the attention of the audience and attract the interest of listeners. Stage speech lessons are well suited for artists, businessmen, politicians, and specialists in areas that require correct and competent communication with people. In any case, your child will need these kinds of skills in life, and the sooner training begins, the better his abilities will develop in the future.

In order for your child to learn how to properly control his voice and improve his diction in a short time, he will need to regularly perform simple stage speech exercises for children 3-6 years old. They won’t take up too much free time, but will still help you achieve a good result. The attention span of young children is more limited than that of adults, so experts have developed a special training system for them.

For correct and clear speech, it is important to carefully monitor your breathing. During stage speech lessons, the following tasks can be given: pronouncing tongue twisters, expressive reading with correct intonation, as well as special breathing exercises

Exercises to improve breathing

Stage speech exercises for children will necessarily include proper breathing. This technique in oratory is of great importance. Anyone giving an important speech to an audience cannot afford to inhale air through the mouth. This can lead to the fact that it gets confused, which is why a person will not be able to maintain intonation and place accents correctly. To work on your voice, your child will need to regularly perform special exercises:

  1. Breathe through your nose with your mouth open for three to five minutes.
  2. Place two hands at once on the solar plexus. Take a deep, slow breath (hold in this state for 3-4 seconds). At the same time, your hands will feel how your stomach rises, fills with air, and then falls back. Such fluctuation should be well expressed. If the child does not feel anything, then while inhaling he should tilt his body a little forward. Over time, the manipulation of drawing in air will need to be increased in duration.
  3. Exercises to improve chest breathing. To do this, you need to take a deep breath, as if inhaling the aroma of flowers, then exhale slowly while drawing in your stomach. This exercise promotes free, fluent speech. A short inhalation and a long exhalation will help improve chest breathing. After this exercise is performed simply and quickly, you should begin to pronounce long phrases as you exhale.

Such activities are quite simple and are perfect for developing stage speech for children 7-9 years old. They should be carried out every day, and soon it will be possible to pronounce long phrases without hesitation or failure of breathing.

Options for breathing exercises

High-quality stage speech technique largely depends on the speaker’s correct breathing. A person who gives a speech to an audience cannot afford to inhale air through his mouth. This will cause your breathing to become irregular and you will not be able to correctly maintain intonation and place accents. To prepare for public speaking, do the following exercises regularly.

  • Breathe through your nose (inhale and exhale) with your mouth open for 3-5 minutes.
  • Place both hands on your solar plexus. Take a deep and very slow breath (the process should take 3-4 seconds). At the same time, your hands will feel how your stomach rises, filling with air, and falls as you exhale. Such fluctuation should be clearly visible. If you don't feel anything, lean your body forward slightly as you inhale. Gradually increase the inhalation time.
  • Exercise to train chest breathing. Inhale deeply, as if you are smelling a fragrant flower, then exhale very smoothly and draw in your stomach. Short inhalations and long exhalations will help you improve chest breathing. When you can do this exercise with ease, begin to say long phrases as you exhale.

These exercises are not difficult, but very effective. Do them daily, and soon you will be able to deliver a long speech without hesitation or shortness of breath.

Improved articulation

To make the pronunciation of individual sounds and letters clear and understandable, it is important to regularly train the organs that are responsible for articulation.

During your first lesson, you should start pronouncing vowels, consonants and simple connectives. With such training, it is important to monitor your voice; it should sound bright and loud, not like in everyday life.

Many tongue twisters will help improve your speech apparatus and diction. It is important to pronounce such poems quietly or in a half-whisper. Over time, the reading speed should increase and the volume should increase. The following types of tongue twisters should be considered when practicing stage speech for preschool children:

  • “The bob got some beans.”
  • “The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.”
  • “Prokop came - dill was boiling, Prokop left - dill was boiling.”

If a child has been taking stage speech lessons for a long time, then over time he can complicate his task by learning longer and more complex phrases. If he managed to remember and correctly recite the longest tongue twister, “Liguria,” then he will definitely become a good speaker.

Improving articulation

An easy way to improve articulation is to pronounce vowel sounds loud and clear. Then they move on to tongue twisters. You need to start with the simplest ones and gradually complicate the task. Tongue twisters must be pronounced quietly, slowly, and then increase the volume and speed.

Effective tasks for developing articulation:

  • “Needle” - open your mouth slightly, stick out your tense tongue for 5-10 seconds;
  • “Fence” - smile, baring your teeth, keeping the count to 10;
  • “Cycle” - open your mouth, stick out your wide tongue, give it the shape of a cup.

There are many articulation exercises. Even small children can cope with them.

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Diction and sound features

The correct sounding of the voice will help improve the expression of emotions. A person must learn to freely regulate timbre, range of sounds, intonation and overall volume. To improve your sound, you should do the following exercises:

  1. Often read prose or poetry, regularly change the volume of speech. The first line should be spoken quietly, the second more loudly.
  2. You should pronounce one phrase with one intonation, try to change the second using simple words, express your emotional state - happiness, surprise, fear, anger, and so on.
  3. It is also important to develop your imagination well. You can imagine what kind of voice animals would speak in if they could do it. The verse should be told from the perspective of a dog, cat or hare.

Good diction is very important for stage speech. It helps to achieve significant success in a career, since people already in their subconscious listen more to a person’s clear pronunciation and pleasant words.

Exercise 2. “Sound singing”

While doing this exercise:

  • your voice will sound with new colors;
  • speech will become clearer.

We need: Text.

What are we doing?

For example, the text could be like this. “Do you know that “Speech development exercises help me in life and in my career!” They hear me, they listen to me, they understand me. My colleagues like me, I captivate my friends and build my life!”?

Mantra? YES! But it begins to work if you use a certain technique when reading it. So, we begin to read our mantra, removing all consonant sounds, then vowels. It will sound like: “ U-A-E-I-YA A-I-I-E E-I O-O-A-YU E I-I AND A-E-E!” and so on,” Read the same text, but without the vowels.

These are the mantras that work!

Effective exercises

You can develop good public speaking skills through the following exercises:

  1. Stand up straight, cross your arms over your chest, spread your elbows to the sides. Take a deep breath, releasing excess air from your lungs, slowly leaning forward. Exhalation should be accompanied by the pronunciation of elongated vowel sounds.
  2. Each time you should pronounce complex combinations of sounds - VZVA, LBAL, STFRA. At first, this exercise may seem too difficult, but over time everything will begin to work out.
  3. You should try to read a short text with your mouth closed.

A stage speech lesson, like any other, will give a good effect. After completing a certain series of exercises, you should consolidate the result by reading a complex text as expressively as possible. If classes are held together with a teacher, he may offer to take a special test at the end of therapy.

Exercise “Tongue without bones”

This exercise will be a fun game of stage speech for children. The technique will help to work out the articulatory apparatus well, despite the fact that from the outside it looks more like ordinary antics. To prepare for a stage speech lesson, you should first do a short warm-up.

Articulation gymnastics has many advantages:

  • the language will begin to work clearly and correctly;
  • the feeling that the conversation is taking place with your mouth full will completely disappear;
  • the pronunciation of sounds changes to be more clear.


To carry out the “Boneless Tongue” exercise, you should use a simple mirror. To do this, you need to stand in front of him and start a simple warm-up:

  1. Open your mouth a little. With the end of your tongue, begin to perform circular movements in different directions. You should perform 10 rotations clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  2. Next, open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue completely and carefully lift its sides up. In this case, something like a tube should form. Next, you should start trying to move your folded tongue and blow into it.
  3. Use your tongue to clean the surface of the lower and upper teeth. Try to repeat this exercise with your mouth closed and open.

Gently biting your tongue will help slightly relieve the tension in such a muscle. The exercises should be repeated before speaking, in which case the speech will be clear and well understood.

Exercise "Traffic"

This exercise is considered the easiest to improve the functioning of the speech apparatus. It will bring good results if you do it constantly. The “Cork” technique is quite popular among both children and adults. This fun activity will help:

  • strengthen the muscles of the lips, cheeks and upper palate;
  • tighten the skin on the face, hide small wrinkles and nasolabial folds;
  • improve speech and diction.

Experts say that such lessons will be useful not only for future artists and stage performers, but also for those who want to maintain the condition of their skin and avoid age-related changes.

The lesson is conducted using the following technique: first you should prepare a small plastic or wooden cork from a champagne bottle. Then learn and prepare a tongue twister. Then clamp the plug in your front teeth. Without releasing it, you should begin to pronounce phrases and repeat them several times at once. This way you can accurately identify which sounds a person produces better and which sounds worse. It is important to regularly improve your pronunciation, train your articulatory apparatus, and also speed up your reading.

A person practicing tongue twisters with a champagne cork usually looks very strange. This kind of fun stage speech training can be a fun activity for the whole family and can be done in the form of a small competition. Each person must read the tongue twister using any unusual method, and then determine who did it best.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF


MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Swallow” Completed by: Aleksandrova R.R. teacher of the highest qualification category in Paranga village 2015

Target. To acquaint teachers with different approaches to the formation of the culture and speech technique of preschoolers (through a system of specially selected theatrical games and exercises for children of the senior and preparatory groups). Share the experience of playing games with teachers.

1. Introductory part.

Dear Colleagues! I am very happy about our meeting. I had the opportunity to share my pedagogical observations and practical findings in the field of developing the culture and technique of speech in children through special theatrical games and exercises.

Observing day after day how children in kindergarten communicate, and analyzing various relationships - friendly and conflicting (here we highlight children who experience difficulties in communication), I came to the conclusion that a child who communicates little with peers and is not accepted by them from - due to the inability to organize communication and be interesting to others, he feels rejected and wounded. And this can lead to a sharp decrease in self-esteem, increased timidity in contacts, and isolation. It is necessary to help the child establish relationships with others so that this factor does not become a brake on the development of personality. Many children (specifically in our region, in conditions of multilingualism) experience constriction of the speech apparatus, inexpressiveness, monotony of speech, lack of semantic pauses and logical stress, and swallowing of the beginning and end of words. Our children are shy, constrained and lacking self-confidence. When working to emancipate a child, it is impossible to do without special games and exercises that develop breathing, free up the muscles of the speech apparatus, and form clear diction and vocal mobility. It is impossible to provide special vocational training to children, because... At this age, the respiratory and vocal apparatus has not yet been fully formed, but it is necessary to strive to ensure that children understand that an actor’s speech (when they perform on stage) should be clearer, more sonorous and expressive than in life. Children love to play; they do not need to be forced to do so. While playing, we communicate with children on their territory. In children’s communication with each other, situations arise that require coordination of actions and the manifestation of a friendly attitude towards each other. It is important to pay close attention to these problems in a timely manner. And today it is desirable to structure our meeting in such a way that everything we will talk about here can be experienced first from the position of a child, and then from the position of an adult.

What is the essence of theatrical play?

Theatrical acting is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity characteristic of humans.

The following tasks are typical for theatrical games:

Teach children to navigate in space, to be evenly placed on the site, to build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic;

Develop the ability to voluntarily tense and relax individual muscle groups;

Remember the words of the characters in the plays;

Develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, as well as interest in the performing arts;

Practice clear pronunciation of words, practice diction;

To cultivate moral and ethical qualities, a culture of behavior in the theater and in life, goodwill, contact with peers, and a love of folklore.

Speech culture and technique – games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus.


Develop speech breathing and correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation, logic of speech;

Develop coherent figurative speech, creative imagination, the ability to compose short stories and fairy tales, select simple rhymes;

Train clear pronunciation of consonants at the end of a word;

Learn to use intonations that express basic feelings;

Replenish your child's vocabulary.

Greeting hello "

Greetings play a very important role in our lives, because this is where communication between people begins. By saying hello, a person shows his attitude towards other people. And how successfully he does this will determine how their further conversation will turn out. Let's say hello like in China (when meeting a friend, they press their hands to themselves), in India (put their hands together and press them to their chest), in Japan (bow), savages in the jungle sniff each other, residents of the Far North rub their noses; in Russia, England, America, they shake hands (the woman should be the first to shake hands with the man, the elder should be the first to shake hands with the younger). And how do dogs (rub their noses) and bears (rub their backs) greet each other?

II Main part.

As a basis, I took the game system developed by the famous children's teacher E.G. Churilova (program “Art - Fantasy” ).

We must help children form correct, clear pronunciation (breathing, articulation, diction), teach them to accurately and expressively convey the author’s thoughts (intonation, voice strength, tempo of speech, logical stress), and also develop imagination, i.e. the ability to imagine what is being said.

1. First of all, children must be taught to take a silent breath through the nose, without raising their shoulders, and exhale smoothly, evenly, without tension or jolts. “GAME WITH A CANDLE” (to develop correct speech breathing)

(Take a silent breath through your nose, then blow on a burning candle standing at some distance. The task is not to extinguish the candle, but only to smoothly “dance the flame .” Exhale with a thin elastic and smooth stream of air through tightly compressed lips. First time The exercise is done with a real burning candle, and then you can play with an imaginary flame).

2. To make your voice sound free, it is necessary to train the muscles of the entire speech apparatus. Articulation gymnastics is very useful: exercises are performed to develop the muscles of the lips, jaw and tongue. LIP CHARGER

Funny little snouts for the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” : a) on the count of “one”, the closed lips extend forward, like a piglet’s snout; on the count of “two,” the lips stretch into a smile without exposing the teeth; b) closed, elongated lips (patch) move first up and down, then to the right and left; c) the snout makes circular movements, first in one direction, then in the other. When finishing the exercises, it is suggested to completely release the lip muscles by snorting like a wolf.

Children often speak through clenched teeth, their jaw clenched, their mouth barely open. To avoid these shortcomings, it is necessary to release the muscles of the neck and jaw.


A) Tilt your head either to the right or to the left shoulder, then roll it along the back and chest; B) “Surprised hippopotamus” : throw the lower jaw sharply down, while the mouth opens wide and free.

C) Yawning panther: press with both hands on both cheeks in the middle part and say “wow, wow, wow,” imitating the voice of a panther, sharply lowering the lower jaw, opening the mouth wide, then yawn and stretch;

D) Hot potato: put an imaginary hot potato in your mouth and make a closed yawn (lips closed, soft palate raised, larynx lowered).

3. After solving these problems, more attention can be paid to working on diction, voice strength, speech rate, and sound range. All these components of speech can be perfectly trained using tongue twisters and poems, without the use of special acting training. In order for children to understand what we are talking about, you can offer the game “FUNNY POEMS” or FUNNY POEMS.” They train clear pronunciation of consonants at the end of a word and can compose together with the children, choosing a rhyme for words.

"Saban - tui"

Xia - Xia - Xia - everyone gathers for the holiday,

We eat - we eat - we go by car,

It - it - it - the sun is shining brightly,

For them - for them - for them - we have a fun holiday.

4. From the point of view of children's performing activities, it is very important to teach them to use intonations, with the help of which various feelings can be expressed. The same word or phrase can be pronounced sadly, joyfully, angry, surprised, pitifully, anxiously, contemptuously, condemningly.

GAME “PHRASE IN A CIRCLE” (sitting in a circle, they say the same phrase “We’ll go on an excursion” or the tongue twister “Three magpies - chattering on the hill” with different intonation); the goal is to process intonation.

We must strive to ensure that every child can explain where, to whom, and under what circumstances he pronounces a given phrase with a certain intonation.

5. Speaking with children about logical stress, it should be noted that by it we mean the selection of individual words in a phrase that determine its meaning and expressiveness.

“Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha”

Pronounce a tongue twister, highlighting different words: “Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha,” etc.

When children understand what logical stress is, when working on a poetic text or a script for a future performance, they need to pay attention to the key words in individual phrases and sentences and highlight them.

6. There are also creative games with words. They develop children's imagination and fantasy, expand their vocabulary, teach them to conduct a dialogue with a partner, write sentences and short stories. They must be associated with special theatrical games involving transformations and actions with imaginary objects.

“TELL A FAIRY TALE ON BEHALF OF A HERO” or “MY FAIRY TALE” (You need to not only tell a fairy tale on behalf of your hero, but also show, depict the gait, posture, facial expressions, gesture of a fairy-tale hero). For example, the fairy tale by C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood” .

"Similar Ponytail"

Goal: to teach children to select rhymes for words, to plastically depict the selected word (for example, the word “cheesecake” , rhymes are selected: frog, pillow, old woman, parsley). All these words can be depicted using body plastics).

7. Mastery of a gesture is not an innate skill and depends on upbringing, social and national characteristics. To ensure that children on stage do not look like wooden dolls, you have to work a lot on the expressiveness of movements, gestures, postures, and facial expressions. At the same time, we must strive to ensure that the whole body participates in any movement of the child.

Now we will try to act out a fairy tale. The heroes of the fairy tale will not say a word, they will do everything silently. This game is called pantomime - a game without words, in which only gestures, facial expressions and body movements are used. Fairy tale "The Bunny and the Hedgehog" . “shine brightly” with all its might - it spreads its arms to the sides, puffs out its cheeks, opens its eyes wide, spins in place). Suddenly the wind blew (runs out and blows intensely on the Sun). A small cloud ran into the sun (runs out and obscures the Sun). The wind blew stronger, and leaves began to fly off the trees (representing trees). A bunny ran up to the tree (the Bunny appears). He stood on his hind legs and waved his ears cheerfully. A hedgehog approached the bunny. A nice apple sat on its thorns (the Hedgehog comes out, holding a fake apple in his hands). The hedgehog gave the bunny a treat. At this time, the first snow fell on the ground (Snowflakes perform a dance). Cheerful snowflakes swirled in the air and landed on the ground. Soon the snow covered the hare and the hedgehog (Snowflakes close a circle around the Hare and Hedgehog). But then the sun came out again (Cloud runs away from the Sun). It shone brightly - brightly (the Sun “directs its rays” to the Snowflakes). And the snowflakes melted. And the friends, freed from the snow, shook themselves off, rejoiced at the sun, jumped up and ran each their own way.

4. Final part. Theater in kindergarten is not a rare phenomenon these days. This is an interesting and useful activity not only for children, but also for adults themselves. By playing with adults, children acquire valuable communication skills - the ability to hear each other in a friendly atmosphere, the development of breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus, the ability to master correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation, and the ability to be creative in any task. And most importantly, we help children overcome shyness and believe in themselves.

Next >

How to learn stage speech?

Professionals in this field, who help both children and adults prepare speech and diction techniques, use various teaching methods. The following are effective ways to improve your voice. The most common include:

  1. Continuous development of stage speech. The specialist offers a choice of several sets of exercises, between which there is a logical connection. You should not take long breaks during class.
  2. Stepped complication. The student begins to actively develop the level of his speech with simple material, then the load increases.
  3. Use of games. Training stage speech through exciting activities is considered the most enjoyable, since during the lessons the student relies on his imagination. Fun game lessons often have a good effect.
  4. Partnerships. During the lesson, the teacher and the child must communicate as equals. The teacher only advises, but does not order to repeat certain exercises.

Stage speech is useful for every person. To achieve a good result, you should prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to regularly train, improve yourself and learn new techniques. A child’s perseverance and hard work will help develop his oratory abilities.

Speech and thinking

An interesting study was published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences about how children learn their native language. Anthropologist Charles Young compared the babbling of babies just learning to speak with recordings of “language lessons” for chimpanzees. It turned out the following: unlike animals, children learn their native language not so much by imitation, but by independent experiments with words and sounds. The set of sound combinations in monkeys was very small. The kids freely went beyond what they had studied and experimented with word formation and changed the structure of words.

Thus, we can conclude that speech training in any form stimulates intellectual development and forms new neural connections.

This is interesting!

Biologist P. Garyaev conducted an interesting experiment - using a special device, he proved that a swear word can cause an effect similar to radiation exposure.

In our kindergarten classes, we do not try to make stars out of our students. Our main goal is to equip them with useful skills for a successful life. It doesn’t matter whether they choose the path of an artist or choose a profession far from the stage. The main thing is that they will have the knowledge and ability to communicate correctly, negotiate and attract the attention of their interlocutor with their speech for the rest of their lives. And this will help your children achieve success on their own, improve their quality of life and become better people every day!

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