What to do if a child cannot pronounce the letter “C”?
Quite often, parents complain that children encounter problems pronouncing complex words.
Methods for examining the development of speech in children of senior preschool age
Article: The baby remembers what he heard, so incorrect pronunciation, lisp, dialects, filler words very quickly
Finger gymnastics card index (senior group) on the topic
Finger games are a reliable tool for child development. Similar activities with children have appeared
For a speech therapist teacher. Classification of sounds of the Russian language.
Prevention of writing disorders: development of phonemic processes using the manual “Plan - diagram of sound characteristics”
Tongue exercises: articulation and breathing exercises for babies
Watch your tongue! Exercises for the muscles of the tongue when snoring
Ronchopathy is being treated and this is already good. In addition, you can get rid of it by
The child cannot pronounce the sound S.
8 mistakes in pronunciation of English sounds that most Russian speakers make
Phonetics is a basic section of English linguistics. Language school teachers tell their students about the rules
First acquaintance: speech pathologist or speech therapist, find 10 differences
Speech therapists and defectologists - they work in the same field, have a general education and similar
We use the “Story Pictures” technique to determine children’s understanding of moral standards
Date: March 23, 2021 Author: Irina Gift Category: School The ability to distinguish good from bad
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Introduction to vowel sounds”
Trainer “Vowels and consonants”. Vowels and consonants Start. — presentation of the Simulator “Vowels and
Practicing sound pronunciation in front of a mirror
Sounds "G-G". Speech material on automation and differentiation of sounds.
Progress of the lesson on automating the sounds [K] and [G] The lesson must be carried out using a mirror.
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