Teaching a child to read syllables correctly: exercises and games

February 25, 2019

Averyanova Sveta

Teaching a child to read independently before first grade without the help of teachers and professional skills is difficult, but quite possible. To do this, parents will need teaching aids, books, and methodological recommendations from the authors of the programs. We’ll tell you in more detail how to avoid learning difficulties, when and where to start, what to do if a child refuses to learn to read.

When to start

At what age do you start teaching a child to read? There is no exact answer to this question. Letter literacy lessons are taught at 4–5 years of age, before starting school, at 6–7 years of age.

The age of a preschooler is not the main indicator of readiness to learn new knowledge and concepts. It is much more important how prepared he is for classes intellectually, psychologically, physically. Pay attention to the following indicators, which must be normal to become familiar with reading:

  • The baby speaks well and uses common sentences to tell a story or answer a question.
  • Phonemic hearing and articulation skills are developed according to age. Pay special attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds; a preschooler must pronounce and recognize all phonemes.
  • The child maintains a conversation, clearly and consistently talks about the past day, a significant event.
  • A preschooler orients himself in space. Understands the directions right-left, up-down. If the baby confuses the sides, but corrects himself, this is considered the norm.
  • A kindergartener can play board games and drawing for more than 10 minutes.

If all of the listed indicators are normal or with minor deviations in a preschooler, he is over 5 years old, it’s time to think about learning to read.

Stimulate unprepared six-year-olds, attract them to the alphabet by your own example, and solve speech therapy problems. If the kindergartener is still very young, 3-4 years old, but asks to talk about letters, teach him how to add syllables, meet him halfway. Conduct classes in an easy mode so as not to discourage interest in reading due to large volumes of information and difficulties in assimilating it.

When is a child ready to learn syllables?

In order to teach a child to read syllables easily, the child should be taught at the right time, which can be determined by the following main features:

  • the baby can already pronounce words quite well;
  • pronounces individual sounds more or less clearly without swallowing them;
  • pronounces the letter “r”, or tries to do so;
  • does not have significant distortions in pronunciation.

Why is it important that early reading instruction occurs at the right time? We learn to read letters and syllables with speech skills. The fact is that if you teach a 2, 3 or 4 year old child to read and form letters without teaching him to speak correctly, the same errors may appear in reading tasks and in subsequent writing. In the future, the baby will confuse sounds and letter symbols, and relearning is much more difficult than initially teaching correctly. Therefore, you should immediately tune in: learn the syllables correctly .

Another important factor in successfully teaching preschoolers to read is the ability of children to analyze text, to understand that in front of them there are not just pictures, but letters, which, in turn, indicate specific sounds. And only then comes the realization that letters can be combined together and form syllables for learning to read. Such understanding usually comes no earlier than 4-5 years, and sometimes at 6 years old - this is the age that is considered ideal for learning. How to teach a child aged 5-6 years to read?

It’s worth noting right away that teaching preschoolers to read is a rather painstaking and responsible process. Just because they are ready to learn to read at age 5 does not mean that they will learn to read quickly and effectively. You should not immediately overload children with read information and teach them to read words syllable by syllable from morning to evening.

When teaching a child at 5 years old, it is recommended to conduct daily lessons for no more than 15 minutes at a time, as the child begins to get tired and may lose all interest in reading exercises.

You should adhere to the following pace: read, repeat several times, rest.

Readiness test

Another option for assessing a child’s readiness to read is a test. Go through it with your preschooler and answer some of the questions yourself. Each positive answer is scored 1 point, negative – 0 points.

  1. Does your preschooler like to be read to?
  2. Does he listen carefully to someone else's reading?
  3. Can you retell the text you heard?
  4. Do you like to look at books on your own?
  5. Is the content more interesting to the kindergartener than the pictures?
  6. Does the preschooler pretend to read? For example, reveals his favorite fairy tale and retells it with expression and demonstratively runs his finger along the lines?
  7. Does he like playing with books and learning the alphabet more than watching cartoons?
  8. Does a preschooler make toy books or magazines (comics) from scrap materials?
  9. Does he store and examine children's books carefully?
  10. Does your child have an extensive vocabulary?
  11. Does he speak more often in complete, detailed sentences?
  12. Knows a large number of short poems, fairy tales, songs?
  13. Can you find a word starting with a given letter? For example, say a word that starts with M (substitute any phoneme).
  14. Does he know the alphabet, if not, does he want to learn the letters?
  15. If he is familiar with the letters, does he try to combine them into syllables himself?
  16. Can he pronounce all sounds well?
  17. Can you understand the difference between the words CANCER and MAC?
  18. Asks to teach him to read?

Sum up your points and check out the results:

0–5 points

It's too early for your baby to learn to read.

This does not interest him due to his age and temperament. If a preschooler is under 5 years old, there is no need to be upset or worried, this is normal. Children after 5 years of age with such a test result should begin to be accustomed to books, interested, captivated by pictures, then by content. Come up with a game with collections of fairy tales, read to your little one more often before bed.

6–12 points

The desire for independent reading is unstable. Pay attention to your home library, go to a bookstore together. Buying an interesting collection of fairy tales and stories with bright pictures will help you show more initiative.

Your task is to devote more time to reading, to spark interest in the plot and composition technique. For example, not reading to the end, stopping at the moment of denouement and complaining that he himself cannot read yet, so he will only find out the ending tomorrow.

13–18 points

Congratulations! Your child is ready to read completely, is waiting for new information, wants to receive it in large quantities with the help of books, reading independently. There is no need to put off learning, start today.

On a note! By learning to read, we mean purposeful work to instill the skill of consciously putting together syllables, words and sentences. Children are ready for serious activities at 5–6 years old. Letters and elementary combinations of consonants and vowels can begin to be mastered much earlier, at 2–4 years.

When and how should you start teaching your child to read to prepare for 1st grade at age 7?

According to child psychologists, the most optimal age for teaching a child to read is 4.5-6 years. In practice, many children themselves express a desire to learn from about 5 years of age. There are a number of indicators by which you can judge whether your daughter or son is ready for such activities.

Age characteristics and readiness to read at 7 years old

At the age of seven, children begin to actively take an interest in what is written on the objects around them.

Note! If by this age a child still cannot read, this is not a reason to panic, but an absolutely normal phenomenon, but at the same time it is worth understanding that it is time to move on to intensive studies.

First, you need to understand how ready the child is for such an important and difficult process. This can be determined by:

  • no problems with pronunciation of words;
  • sufficiently good command of oral speech;
  • development of phonemic hearing, when the child is able to distinguish and repeat heard sounds;
  • no hearing problems;
  • free orientation in the environment.

Attentive parents will always note such progress in the development of their son or daughter, and will help improve these skills and abilities.

Best practices

Before teaching a child to read, parents themselves need to get an idea of ​​how this should happen. For this purpose, special techniques have been developed that will help carry out such important tasks with children 7 years old without pressure and haste:

  1. Doman's method. This method is also called “global reading”. It involves learning to read whole words by engaging rote memory. So, on the table you need to lay out cards with simple words written on them: “mom”, “dad”, “wardrobe”, “chair”, etc. Seeing them constantly, the baby will remember the spelling, which will subsequently help him learn to read faster.

    Such classes can be carried out even with babies 5-6 months old.

  2. To learn individual syllables, you can use the “Syllable Box”. Such training is best perceived by children aged 4.5 - 5 years.

    This is one of the most common techniques, but you should be careful with it, since in the future the child may get used to “crushing” words.

  3. Zaitsev's cubes. Studying syllables on beautifully designed charts, tables and cards will help memorize words, develop speech and improve thinking, and develop imagination.

    Zaitsev cubes

The choice of methodology is best done together with a child psychologist. If this is not possible, then you can ask the pediatrician or the child’s future teacher for advice.

Stages of training

Even a very inquisitive, gifted child cannot be taught to read spontaneously, unsystematically. The skill will be developed sustainably if you use an integrated approach.

Do not rush to immediately give the concept of a letter, a word, how to add and read them. Use our recommendations for creating a lesson plan.

Development of phonemic hearing and imaginative thinking at an early age

This is extremely important for the perception of sounds, letters, and text. The ability to read begins in infancy, although many parents do it unconsciously.

Play noisy games with your baby, use musical instruments, onomatopoeia. Develop a sense of rhythm with the help of a ball, jump rope, singing, poems. Learn to distinguish between quiet and loud sounds, knocking, humming; there are many options for the development of phonemic hearing.

The last stage is the differentiation of sounds at the beginning and end of a word. A child should answer such questions by age 5. You don't need to know the letters to do this. Name a word starting with C (magpie, catfish), let him come up with a few more similar ones. Then use the last letter. You say HOME, he calls MOM, MOUSE.

It will not be possible to cope with the last task right away. Don’t insist, practice on the way from kindergarten, ask to repeat the correct answer after you, spend more time studying unfamiliar sounds in nature, at home.

Getting to know sounds

Before you get acquainted with the appearance of the letters, tell your child about the sounds. Divide them into several groups. For example, vowels - they can be sung, voiced sounds - show them using the example of sounds of nature (thunder rumbles, a tiger growls), unvoiced ones relate to quiet, non-melodic sounds (shhhh, puff).

At this stage, it is important to form an image, a phonetic shell of letters.

This will help the child perform syllabic and phonemic analysis of words at school.

On a note! To distinguish between voiced and deaf when speaking, use your fingers to your throat. When pronouncing R, D, M and other voiced consonants, there will be vibration under the fingers. When pronouncing deaf words (SH, P, S, etc.) there is no vibration.

Learning and remembering letters

Start getting acquainted with letters by setting goals. Explain why you need to know this. Tell us about the possibilities that the book opens up, about writing, the culture of different peoples. The main task is to interest the baby.

Continue the motivation with simple examples of letters. Start with vowels, for example A, U. The kindergartener will quickly remember them, learn to write, and be able to read the first word: AU!!! When he realizes that reading is not difficult at all, the lessons can be entertaining and fun, move on. Combine new letters with adding syllables and simple words.

Another option for learning about letters is studying with reference to a picture. For this you need primers or ABCs. M - cars, T - cake, V - crow, etc. This method is necessary for visual children. To quickly memorize symbols and write the alphabet, use modeling, coloring letters, and tracing them in copybooks.

On a note! Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev, the author of the method of teaching reading by letters using cubes, believes that there is no need to teach knowledge about letters gradually. He suggests memorizing the entire alphabet, and then moving on to warehouses.

You can agree with his opinion or not. Focus on the temperament and abilities of your baby.

Adding the syllables

Your baby has learned to combine two vowels and can easily read AU and IA. Move on to merging vowels and consonants. First teach to read open syllables, then closed ones. Make the first words from identical combinations: MA-MA, BA-BA. Use the reverse options: AH, UM, AM, OH.

Show how to sing the syllables. Focus on the fact that the sounds run after each other. This is well shown in the ABC of Nadezhda Zhukova. After this, you can connect several syllables together and put another consonant between them: ZHU-CH-KA.

The easiest way to automate reading by syllables is syllable tables. These are cards with columns of syllables. If you read them daily, gradually accelerating the pace, the child will easily recognize them in words. We advise you to print out syllables for teaching children to read on sheets of paper and give one option per lesson.

Making up words

For this stage, cut cards with syllables will be useful. At first, take 3-4 pieces, then you can have more. Give the task to compose words from the cards received; it is better if there are several options. For example, on the table are the syllables MA, RA, ZI, PO. Let him make up the words: WINTER, TIME, FRAME.

You can download cards with syllables below, click on the picture, download and print.

The next stage is composing words with closed syllables. You will need separate letters and cards with open syllables. For example, MA, PA, SO and the letters on the cards K, F, M. You get the following set: MAC, SOK, PAGE, COM.

After 2-3 lessons, offer to compose words of several syllables. Choose simple lexemes: HOUSE, GRASS, SHOVEL.

After composing words on your own, you can move on to studying books with short texts. First, the baby reads individual words with one syllable, then with two or three. There is no need to rush, scold, or suggest.

Reading the proposals

When your preschooler easily reproduces simple words, move on to sentences. At the initial stage, use familiar combinations: MOTHER, FOREST, WATER, CAT. Select material with short texts of 2–3 sentences. To ensure that the student enjoys reading and does not want to be lazy from boredom, use poems and jokes with meaning. For example:

Vanya has new books!

The son eats the soup himself. Mom is happy.

Teddy bear collected pine cones

And he tore off all the trees.

The next stage is expressive reading of texts of 5–10 simple sentences. Use entertaining tasks, pictures, riddles, and exercises so as not to turn the learning process into a tedious task. Remember, children learn best through play.

“Running” from one letter to another

(from “The ABC for Kids” by O. Zhukova)
This is a visual exercise that will help a child learn to pronounce two letters together.

Before us is a path from one letter to another. To overcome it, you need to pull the first letter until the finger we move along the path reaches the second letter. The main thing we are working on in this exercise is so that there is no pause between the first and second sound. To make it more interesting to practice, replace your finger with a figurine of any animal/person - let it run along the path and connect two letters.

How to train a child

So, the preschooler learned to read. It's time to pay attention to the speed of word formation in order to meet the standards of reading technology at school. Use the following exercises to improve your speed at playing passages out loud.

Reading syllabic tables

The table can be printed in large size, click on the image and download it:

An effective means of transition from syllabic to word-by-word reading. If you train regularly, the future first grader will automatically form words from syllables.

Read the tables in columns (vertically), for 30 seconds each at the initial stage. Record the time spent in a diary and note your progress. After 7–10 days, the preschooler should achieve the following result: 3 tables in 30 seconds, that is, he will practically learn them by heart. Train every day 2 times.


Place the book on the table in front of the child, the text should be small. Let him read at a pace that is convenient for him. Then turn the textbook 90° and ask them to read a passage or the entire text. Then place it upside down and repeat the task. Increase the volume of text gradually.

Reading in passages

The exercise is suitable for children with a medium or fast speech rate. The task of the parent or teacher: to maximize the result. When choosing a training text, take into account your current reading technique and add 30 words to your result. If a preschooler reads 20 words, give the text for 50 units, if 30 words - for 60 units.

The training consists of three stages. First, the child will read the given passage without assignment, in his usual rhythm. Then he tries to keep it within 1 minute, using two attempts. Increase the number of words in the passage when the preschooler calmly and effortlessly copes with the task. Carry out the training every day 2 times (morning, evening).

Retelling the text read

This activity is useful for students with any reading rhythm. Learn to retell what you read paragraph by paragraph, then by page, then completely. If the kindergartener reads very slowly, syllable by syllable, reproduce the text out loud yourself. Let him tell you what he heard and understood. Then he will read it on his own.

Important! At the initial stage of learning to read, prioritize understanding the essence of the text, not the number of words. Move on to increasing speed after practicing automatic folding of syllables and words into sentences.


  • Reading "Tug"

The baby reads after the parent in a low voice, 1-2 syllables or words behind. The pace increases gradually.

  • Divide into syllables

The game is played orally or in writing. Start with simple words, gradually move on to more complex ones.

  • Let's catch up with the letter

M………., A, S…………….O The baby should pull his finger along the path, pronouncing sounds.

  • How the letters became friends

Draw letters and pull their handles towards each other. You can use simple arithmetic schemes C+O=CO.

  • What's extra?

From the words written syllable by syllable on the sheet, you need to cross out the unnecessary. For example, apple, pear, tomato.

Useful tips

Teaching children to read can be a struggle for first graders and their parents. To avoid scandals, disappointments and not discourage your desire to master literacy, use these little tricks:

  1. Exercise regularly. Lessons conducted sporadically or poorly organized will not give the desired effect. The child will simply forget all the information. Make a study plan and follow it strictly. Sometimes take a vacation for a couple of days.
  2. Learn through play. For example, build houses from letter cubes and transport them on a truck to form syllables. Without strict rules and sitting at a table for 30–40 minutes, information will be absorbed easily and with interest.
  3. Follow the sequence of training. The plan may look like this: sounds - letters - syllables - words - sentences - texts. Move from simple to complex consistently.
  4. Use video tutorials to practice at home. This option is suitable for older preschoolers; use it for self-education for parents.
  5. Review what you have learned regularly. Use different methods for this: print out cards, make drawings, learn riddles, songs.
  6. Look for letters everywhere.
    To practice reading, it is not necessary to have a book or blocks at hand. During a walk, ask your child to point out familiar symbols on the bulletin board, on the price tag in the store, on house signs. This is a great practical experience.
  7. Don't force reading if your child doesn't want to study. You definitely shouldn’t teach syllabic reading to 3-4 year old children, they don’t need it and aren’t interested. It’s time for preschoolers, 6–7 years old, to learn to read. But if the kindergartener doesn’t want to, use different methods of motivation to revive interest: your own example, rewards for hard work, praise.


During the homeschooling process, parents will need methodological support. To do this, you can use the following manuals:

  1. O. Uzorova “Quick learning to read.”
  2. N. S. Zhukova “Primer”.
  3. I. Brodsky “Working ABC”.
  4. G. R. Lazgdyn “Speech therapy alphabet”.
  5. Kozhevnikova A. Yu. “Battlers.”
  6. Teacher's aids from the set for Zaitsev's cubes and Doman's cards.

Games and exercises

To memorize letters, syllables, develop memory, and attention, it is useful to use a variety of games and exercises. They help overcome fears, doubts, and automate reading skills.

To learn letters

  1. Together with your child, create a collection of homemade letters from paper and plasticine. Play with crafts, try to add syllables, name the sound they represent.
  2. Memorizing poems, songs into individual letters, sounds.
  3. Letter lotto.
  4. Who is bigger? The one who remembers more words starting with a given letter wins. You can use the opposite option: we name words that end with a certain sound.
  5. Say the opposite! Speak short words (mouth, poppy, house). The child must say them backwards.
  6. Spell the word. Take small word forms into parts, naming the sounds: D-O-M.

For learning to read syllables

  1. Make up a word. You will need cards with syllables and letters. The child himself will select the desired option and read it. You can add pictures to the task, then the child will make up a word on a given topic.
  2. We are looking for short words in long ones. From the letters of the word TRUCK you need to make one-syllable words: load, call, circle.
  3. Table walkers. Draw a movement diagram, write syllables in the cells. The child reads the chips every time he moves.
  4. Search for syllables in texts. Take any work of art, a fairy tale. Let him look for a familiar syllable in words, circle it with a pencil. If you manage not to miss a single syllable in the passage, the student receives a reward.

To develop reading skills

  1. Find the extra or missing letter. Write the misspelled words: GU-ZO-VIK (the letter P is missing), YAM-BLO-KO (the M is extra). The exercise develops attention and spelling vigilance. This will be very useful in Russian language lessons in first grade.
  2. Make a menu. The child becomes a cook and creates a menu for the family for the day. His task is complicated by the fact that dishes must begin with the same letter, for example K.
  3. What do you see with the letter..? Think of any phoneme, ask the student to name all the objects that he sees around him that begin with this letter (K ​​- books, cat, pan, etc.).
  4. Who is faster? Write words starting with one letter on a card: chalk, moth, soap, honey, stranded. The goal is to read the list the fastest. Reading speed, attention, and mental abilities develop.

Games for strengthening the skill of adding letters

Next, we move on to consolidating this skill and reading simple words. Various games with syllables will help you strengthen the skill of adding letters into syllables, such as:

— Syllabic lotto

It’s very easy to make them yourself; to do this, you need to select several pictures - 6 for each card and print out the corresponding syllables.

  • The manual “Syllables” will help you. Choose a picture based on the first syllable BA-, BA-, MA-, SA-, TA-. Educational lotto games. Federal State Educational Standards Before" by E. V. Vasilyeva - there are several more manuals in this series
  • Game “Letters, syllables and words. Lotto with verification" by A. Anikushena
  • Similar exercises are in the book “Syllable Tables. Federal State Educational Standard" N. Neshchaeva

— Shop game

Place toy products or pictures with their images on the counter (for example, FISH-ba, DY-nya, PI-horns, BU-lka, YAB-loki, MYA-so). Prepare “money” - pieces of paper with the name of the first syllables of these words. A child can buy goods only with those “bills” on which the correct syllable is written.

— Albums with syllables

Make an album with your own hands with your child, in which a syllable will be written on one page of the spread, and on the other - objects whose names begin with this syllable. Periodically review and add to these albums. For more effective learning to read, close either one or the other half of the spread (so that the child does not have unnecessary clues when naming a syllable or selecting words for a certain syllable).

“Cards for sound and syllabic analysis of words” will help you with this.

— Airfield game (garages)

We write the syllables large on sheets of paper and lay them out around the room. These will be different airfields (garages) in our game. The child takes a toy plane (car), and the adult commands which airfield (in which garage) the plane should be landed (the car parked).

— Paths of syllables

Zaitsev's cubes or any cards with syllables (you can make them in the form of traces) are suitable for this exercise. We build a long path from them - from one end of the room to the other. We choose two figures/toys. You play one, the child plays the other. Roll the dice - take turns with your figures on the cards for as many moves as the number rolled on the dice. As you step on each card, say the syllable written on it.

For this game you can also use various “adventures” by writing syllables in circles on the playing field.

Basic techniques

There are really many methods for early learning to read. They can be divided into traditional and non-traditional.

The first ones, easy to use at home, are suitable for children from 5–6 years old. These are ABC books.

The second ones are universal and can be used at an early stage and closer to school age. These are cards, cubes.

To master the teaching methodology in a non-traditional program, you will need deep knowledge of child psychology, sound features of vowels and consonants. Let's take a closer look at some of the author's methods.

Primers and ABCs

They are convenient because the child learns letters and sounds at the same time, gradually putting them into syllables, then into words. Each alphabetic character is accompanied by a picture. An elephant is drawn next to the letter C, and a watermelon is drawn next to the A. Syllability goes parallel to memorizing letters. That is, the set of phonemes for reading increases in the process of recognizing the alphabet.

There is an opinion that this method of teaching reading is too complex, requires perseverance, and is suitable for children with a great thirst for knowledge. But he was the main one in the Soviet school.

The arguments against book learning can be argued. For example, Zhukova’s primer clearly shows children how to read sounds together without naming them separately.

The ABCs are accompanied by bright pictures and plot drawings based on the text. By the end of the course, the preschooler will read not only syllables, but also large passages, know what a syllable is and stress. It is impossible to achieve such a result with the help of cubes and cards alone.

On a note! In addition to the primer by Nadezhda Zhukova, textbooks for teaching reading from an early age by Dmitry Fonin, Vseslav Goretsky, and Nadezhda Betenkova are popular among teachers and parents.

Voskobovich's tower cubes and folding cards

Cards with pictures are intended for teaching children from 3-4 years old. They have bright pictures and warehouses painted on them. The cards come with a CD with songs, the text of the verses is written under the pictures. First, the child sings the words, then finds them in the text and gradually learns to read.

Voskobovich's tower cubes are designed for kindergarteners over 4 years old. The set consists of 12 cubes with a cavity with consonants written on them, and 12 cubes with vowels. The child’s task, after becoming familiar with the Russian alphabet, is to create a warehouse with which any word begins. This can be one letter or a pair.

Then syllables are studied. Children match the vowel to the consonant and assemble a syllable from two cubes. Then words are made from several cubes.

Zaitsev cubes

Zaitsev's method is based on reading by syllables, do not confuse it with syllables. A warehouse can consist of one letter or several. For example, in the word SANKY there are 3 warehouses: SA-N-KI, in the word MAMA there are 2 warehouses: MA-MA. According to the author, it is easier for a child to learn to read by words than by syllables. And this is confirmed in practice.

The training set includes 52 cubes: all the letters of the Russian alphabet, combinations of consonants and vowels. They are different in shape, filling and tactile sensations.

For example, voiceless consonants are indicated on cubes with pieces of wood inside, while voiced consonants are filled with metal parts. That is, the child does not know that this letter is voiceless or voiced, but hears what type of sound it makes. Additionally, tables for warehouses, audio cassettes with songs, and a manual with descriptions of lessons are used.

In the form of a game, the child gets acquainted with the alphabet, and with the entire set of letters at once. Then he independently combines them into words, smoothly sings the lines with the help of special chants, and works with the table.

The Zaitsev teaching method is suitable for children who do not like and cannot sit still for a long time. Static lessons can be easily replaced with a dynamic game.

Chaplygin cubes

Suitable for children from 4 years old. The set consists of 10 cubes, 10 blocks. The preschooler spins the cubes, looks for the necessary syllables, and reads them. Then he makes up simple words. Simultaneously with reading, the outline of letter symbols is learned.

During the game, motor skills, thinking, memory, and attention are involved. According to parents and teachers, this technique is effective and easy to do at home.

Doman cards

The author of the program, American doctor Glen Doman, suggests teaching children to read whole words when they do not yet know letters and do not even know how to speak. Parents need to purchase a set of cards, show them to the newborn for a couple of seconds, pronounce what is written, quickly changing to the next one.

In the first lessons there will be 15 of them, then the number increases. New material is presented after repeating what has already been covered. At 1.5–2 years old, the child will be able to say for himself what is written on the card.

According to psychiatrists and neuropsychologists, the Doman card training system is based not on reading, but on automatic memorization of visual images. If you offer a child a word that has not yet been shown to him, he will not be able to read it.

Method of reading syllables by Elena Bakhtina

The author's methodology is based on syllabic reading. The child is offered cards with letter combinations. The student must read them fluently and recognize them automatically. Then you can start composing words and texts.

For ease of memorization, the letters on the cards are painted in different colors: blue - consonants, red - vowels, ь, ъ - black. Read open and then closed syllables first. Leave combinations of vowels and sibilants for the last stage, they are much more difficult to pronounce.

On a note! You don’t need to look for books and educational kits in the store. Order them online. There you can also read reviews from parents and early development center methodologists about practical experience in using each program.

Comparison of techniques

Comparison table of popular reading teaching methods.

MethodBenefits for home useDisadvantages for Homeschooling
Doman cardsYou can practice from infancy. There is no need to obtain additional education or teaching skills. Classes are held daily, without special preparation for parents and children. The method is based on photo memory. In the future, you will have to teach your child to read in a more classical way.
Zaitsev cubesSuitable for hyperactive kids. The first lessons can be taught at an early age, after the child learns to sit. The technique combines the development of motor skills, speech apparatus, literacy, and phonemic hearing. The technique is more effective when practiced in a group.
Reading by syllablesA simple technique known to all parents and grandparents. It is easily absorbed by preschoolers and does not require additional literature or equipment. Handmade cards, a notebook and a pen are suitable for lessons. It is considered a universal technique, the best for Russian schools and home classes.
Reading by warehousesEasily absorbed by children in a playful and serious form.Most likely, the child will have to relearn at school, since reading is quite slow.
Zhukova's techniqueThe sound is emphasized, not the syllable. The child’s psyche is better prepared for this method. The primer is illustrated with bright pictures; it is interesting for a child to study with such a book. Zhukova does not advise rushing a child in learning to read; the transition to complex tasks is very soft and unhurried. Parents should monitor the regularity of classes. Before starting Zhukova's alphabet lessons, you need to introduce your child to the alphabet.

Books on the topic

There is no way to do without books and collections of texts when teaching reading at home. Please take a look at the following collection of useful tutorials.

Fedina Olga and Sergey “How to teach a child to read”

Textbook for preschoolers from 4–5 years old. The authors of the methodology took as a basis the syllabic method, which, according to parents, is the most effective and easiest way to teach reading. The book comes with useful tips for conducting classes; the lessons are divided into blocks, each accompanied by bright pictures.

Uzorova O. V., Nefedova E. A. “100 educational texts for teaching children to read”

The collection of texts is suitable for preparing six- and seven-year-old children for school. The educational material is accompanied by entertaining tasks and exercises for developing horizons, memory, attention, and fine motor skills. For ease of reading, words in the text are divided into syllables by vertical bars. Short stories are dedicated to the animal world, fish. There are coloring pages at the beginning or end of the text.

Baranova E. E., Razumovskaya O. K. “How to teach your child to read”

The collection of tasks is suitable for children aged 4–5 years. The authors use the syllabic method of teaching reading and invite children to play train with letters. You need to cut out a paper toy from a book yourself, put cards with letters in it and play with syllables. Classes are held in a playful way, so information is remembered quickly and easily.

Zhukova N. S. “Primer”

The textbook is based on the traditional syllable-by-syllable reading method. You can start lessons without knowing the sounds and letters. Learning the alphabet goes parallel to the formation of the skill of putting letters into syllables. The book is written in large print and illustrated with bright pictures. Zhukova’s primer is recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and has been used in kindergartens and development centers for more than 10 years.

Games with letters that are friends

(“A Primer for Kids” by E. Bakhtina, “Russian ABC” by O. Zhukova, etc.).

Many authors of primers and alphabet books use animated images of letters that need to be put into a syllable - they are friends, walk together in pairs, pull each other through obstacles. The main thing in such tasks, as in the previous exercise, is to name two letters together so that the two companion letters remain together.

To use this technique, you don’t even need special manuals or primers. Print out several figures of boys and girls (animals, fairy-tale or fictional characters), write a letter on each of them. Let consonants be written on the boys' figures, and vowels on the girls' figures. Make friends with the children. Check with your child that boys and girls or two girls can be friends, but making two boys friends (saying two consonants together) is not possible. Change pairs, put girls first in them, and then boys.

Read the syllables first in one order, then in the reverse order.

These few techniques are quite enough to teach a child to add two letters into a syllable. And learning in the form of a game will allow you to avoid cramming and boring repetition of the same thing.

Mobile applications and simulators

If it is impossible to sit the baby down with books, they do not like to play with cubes or cards with letters, use interactive simulators to teach reading. You can download them to your tablet, mobile phone (iPhone and Android), play at home or on the go.

Luntik. Let's learn to read!

With your favorite cartoon characters, your child will learn to recognize letters, put them into syllables, and read words. The application is suitable for both one-year-old children and future first-graders. The program is divided into 10 levels: 4 simplest and 6 more difficult.

Talking ABC

The preschooler will learn the alphabet with the help of songs and plasticine helpers. Bright animation and fun games make lessons entertaining and not boring.

Learning to read by syllables

The application is designed for kindergarteners aged 5–7 years who know letters. The teaching methodology is based on Zaitsev’s program. Users make words from warehouses, cards with letters and syllables. With the help of simple games and entertaining tasks, the future schoolchild quickly learns to read and divide words into parts.

ABC for children! Let's learn the alphabet!

The letters are hidden in colored boxes with pictures. The task is to catch them and form a word. The game is designed for children aged 2–3 years in the “Learning Letters” mode, and preschoolers aged 4–7 years in the “Read by Syllables” block. The app has received a lot of positive feedback from parents.

Learning letters is fun!

The program is useful for kindergarteners unfamiliar with the alphabet. The games are divided into three parts. In the first, the child gets acquainted with letters using pictures, learns to pronounce them, and recognize them. In the second, he consolidates the acquired knowledge and composes words. In the third, smart coloring pages and favorite cartoon characters await him. You need to color the pictures using letters.

With the help of computer games, even a weak child can learn the alphabet and learn to read syllables, words, and sentences. In addition to educational exercises, the educational site has a lot of tasks to develop attention, memory, and reaction speed.

Preparatory stage

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to try to explain something to a one-year-old baby and teach him to pronounce words or parts of them, although it is possible. According to the latest research, experts believe that some children can start learning simple words and connecting syllables as early as 2 or 3 years old.

However, at such an early age you should not overload children with information that is unnecessary for them, but devote more to the preparatory stage: help the baby develop phonemic awareness and learn letters.

The development of phonemic hearing is facilitated by reading and memorizing nursery rhymes, short poems and songs.

It is better to study letters in a playful way.

Creative tricks for memorizing letters:

  1. Trace, color, shade letters with pencils.
  2. Sculpt letters from plasticine and kinetic sand.
  3. Lay out letters from sticks, mosaics, cubes.

Techniques for memorizing letters for preschoolers: modeling with plasticine

Answers to frequently asked questions

How long does it take to teach a child to read?

Learning to read from scratch can take 6-8 months with a 4-5 year old child. An adult child, 6–7 years old, masters the skill faster, in 3–6 months. If you attend classes at a development center, a tutor, and read additionally at home, the period is reduced to 2–4 months.

Although in this video you can get acquainted with the real story of how a child was taught to read syllables in 2 hours.

How to teach reading if a child doesn’t want to?

A categorical refusal to study with books, tables, and cubes can be overcome by increasing motivation. Interest a reluctant woman in a bright book on her favorite topic, tell her why it is useful and necessary to be able to read. Look at pictures in books every day, read in the evening, during the day, discuss the plot.

When the first signs of interest appear, try playing with letters, solving puzzles, and using coloring books.

Can a child learn to read on his own?

This option is possible if there are older children in the family. The kid watches homework being done and begins to imitate the school students. When it turns out that the baby has learned the letters himself, parents only need to speed up the process a little.

Buy an ABC book, give some theory, apply several speed reading methods. If a preschooler is inclined to self-education, is diligent, and will show good results.

Should educators teach children to read?

Reading lessons are not included in the mandatory kindergarten curriculum. Teachers in the preparatory group can give a small amount of information about sounds and letters.

Reading is taught in elementary school. The exception is specialized or private kindergartens, where parents pay for additional classes in preparation for first grade.

Exercises for learning to read

Letter memorization exercises

The first step is to teach your child to recognize letters. To do this, you can use pictures with hidden letters. We use such exercises in our pre-school lessons at Skysmart.

Ask your child to identify which letter a word begins with or to name as many words as possible that begin with a particular letter.

Next, we train ourselves to distinguish correctly written letters from incorrect ones. This is also important for learning to write: preschoolers often mirror letters or distort individual elements.

Vowel and consonant exercises

Tasks in which you need to determine what sound a word begins with will help you learn to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants.

Finding the extra letter will also help you remember the difference between vowels and consonants.

Word Forming Exercises

When the child can already read short words, invite him to form a word from letters on his own.

It’s convenient to form words from syllables if you have cubes at hand, but you can try it on paper.

Another good exercise is to fill in the missing letter in a word. Children complete such tasks during lessons at the Skysmart online school.

Even more bright and fun exercises for learning to read are in the school preparation course from Skysmart. Attentive teachers will help your child learn to read, count and express himself through creativity. Classes are held online at a time convenient for the child and parents. Try it for free with an introductory lesson!

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