Tongue twisters for differentiation (distinction) (V - B), (V-F), (B - P), (T - Tb), (D - Db), (D - T), (K - T), (P – K), (G – K), (K-G-X)
Article: A cheerful set of words, rhymes, phrases are easy to pronounce clearly and without errors. Besides,
Games and tasks on the topic Autumn Card file on the world around us on the topic
Autumn with children from 1.5 to 2 years old - educational games and ideas for
Dysfunction of sensory systems (tactile, vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory, visual, touch disorder and taste disorientation)
Have you noticed that your child reacts strangely to certain sounds, touches, or household procedures? For example, it is aggressive when
'Book "Speech therapy massage with spoons"
Speech therapy massage with spoons according to the method of O. I. Krupenchuk
Speech therapy massage is one of the methods used to correct speech. It is prescribed for difficult
Working hours schedule. Cyclogram of a teacher - speech therapist in a school - boarding school environment.
Distribution of working time The first three weeks are allocated for the complete formation of groups and subgroups of children,
Speech development of a child 6-7 years old article on speech development (preparatory group) on the topic
The development of speech in children 6–7 years old leads to the fact that a six-year-old child communicates freely
Let's learn to speak! 10 games for speech development that children will love
Many children who are not even two years old can already speak well. AND
Speech development: topic “Toys”. Games and speech exercises with children 3-4 years old
Speech development: toys. Materials for speech and activities with children on the topic “Toys”.
Speech disorders in children and dyslexia: medical and psychological aspects
Parents who learned from specialists that their child has developmental problems
speech development in children
Memo for parents: “How to develop a child’s speech at home”
A child from one to 3 years old must learn many things, including
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