At what age does a child need a speech therapist, when is it better to show him for the first time?
Young parents, observing the development of the baby, eagerly wait for him to speak. Sounds come first
Poems about the letter U
Poems about the letter U - a selection of funny children's poems
Funny poems for children about the letter “U” Letter U - Boa Constrictor Plato Meryl new
The main directions of correctional work for dysarthria
The main directions of correctional work for dysarthria
Dysarthria is a disorder of the pronunciation aspect of speech, which occurs as a result of organic damage to the central nervous system.
Child doesn't speak? Speech development from 1 to 3 years: how to do it
How to talk your tongue: methods and examples of exercises for speech development in children 2-3 years old
The development of speech in a young child (1-3 years) is a very important stage in mastering their native language.
How to quickly learn a text by heart. Techniques and techniques for memorizing texts, incl. in a foreign language
short-term memory - temporary storage where a small amount of information is stored for a short period;
General speech underdevelopment – ​​complex speech disorder
General speech underdevelopment: concept, classification, correction and prognosis
The diagnosis of GSD (general speech underdevelopment) is made with complex speech therapy disorders. Children with OHP
Signs of the seasons presentation on speech development on the topic
As children grow older, many questions arise: “What is this?”, “What is this for?”
Didactic games and exercises on the topic “Pets”
Summary of a lesson on cognitive development on the topic: Pets. Junior group Lesson notes on
CLASSIFICATION OF THE SOUNDS OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE material on speech therapy on the topic
Vowel sounds - sonants - consist of a voice, a musical tone formed as a result of rhythmic
Pure sayings for children: letters M, N, P, R, S, T, F, X, C, Ch, Sh, Shch
Pure sayings starting with the letter D Doo-do-da – the wires are humming. Yes, yes, yes - warm water. Doo-doo-doo -
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