Development of speech breathing in children with speech disorders
Correct speech breathing - as it should be: Active inhalation is performed exclusively through the nose. Exhalation
Reverse syllables and syllable rows with them: AS, OS, US, YS, IS
Article: Every year there is an increase in the number of children with speech disorders, and speech disorders
Formation of sound analysis and synthesis skills in preschoolers consultation (speech therapy, senior group) on the topic
Main tasks, content for children's speech development.
Main tasks, content for children's speech development. On the tasks of speech development First published in
Manual for speech therapists. Part 2. Forms of aphasia and methods of speech restoration
What is dynamic aphasia? Dynamic aphasia is a local absence or disruption of an already formed
Protocol for speech therapy examination of a child. Universal scheme for all types of speech disorders 1013
Methodological development “Correction of optical dysgraphia using the example of differentiating the letters b-d using the technique of sculpting letters from plasticine based on game methods”
In the methodological development “Correction of optical dysgraphia using the example of differentiating the letters b-d using technology
How to write a public speech: examples and tips
Properties of public speaking Various oratory skills are developed in the process of relevant classes, trainings, and their
Development of phonemic awareness and sound analysis skills.
Article: A frequent speech disorder in children is phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment - a violation of the processes of formation of pronunciation
The main directions of correctional work for dysarthria
Dysarthria is a speech disorder. Occurs due to damage to the parts of the brain that are responsible for
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