The cup exercise is important for proper articulation
Hello, dear readers! Do you know such dishes that do not break, do not break and
High-low: what factors influence the pitch of the voice, and can it be changed? (4 photos)
The topic of this lesson is timbre and pitch of the voice. At the beginning of the course we learned everything
Dysgraphia - Network of clinics JSC Family Doctor (Moscow) - Photo 1
Dysgraphia in primary schoolchildren: prevention, analysis, correction, exercises
This speech disorder is dysgraphia, a fairly “young” concept in the field of pathologies of speech development. Relatively
Artistic style - genres, directions and examples of texts
!!!Try to write a comment in book style!!! Greetings, dear readers! Pavel Yamb is in touch.
Dyslexia and dysgraphia can occur simultaneously in children
Dysgraphia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
What is dysgraphia? Dysgraphia is a specific writing disorder where a child writes words with
verbal communication
Verbal or non-verbal - what is it and what type of communication is more important
Communication is an integral part in the life of every person. By exchanging information, expressing your thoughts,
Verbal communication: understanding the types and applications
Verbal communication: understanding the types and applications
negotiations 07/02/2020 Author: Add a comment Rating: (Votes: 2, Rating: 4) From this material
Types of Speakers
Who is a speaker? What is his profession and what does he do?
At all times, people who know how to speak correctly and beautifully have enjoyed increased attention. Among them
Emotional tone of conversation
Main features, characteristics, genres and examples of conversational style of speech
A conversational style of speech is on the agenda. If you take and record our everyday conversation, it will turn out
Automation of sound Skartobeka on speech therapy on the topic
Disturbances in the reproduction of S and S Speech therapists here divide defects into 2 groups: Sigmatism
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