MADOOU general developmental kindergarten No. 422 “Lorik”, Yekaterinburg
MADOOU kindergarten of general developmental type No. 422 “Lorik”, Yekaterinburg Parents are recommended to: consider insects (bee,
Speech disorders in children and dyslexia: medical and psychological aspects
Such a variety of etiological factors for speech impairment indicates the need for parents to take speech problems seriously.
Educational project “Speech therapy school for parents”
Educational project “Speech therapy school for parents” Author: Inna Vladimirovna Antikyan, speech therapist teacher of the highest qualification category,
22 short poems about the letter G for children: learning the alphabet
A poem about the letter G for preschoolers - Ga-ga-ga! - cackles the goose. - I am family
Causes, symptoms and correction of acoustic-mnestic aphasia
Article: For speech disorders associated with auditory-verbal memory disorders, doctors make a diagnosis of “Acoustic-mnestic aphasia.”
children in the garden
Child with mental retardation in kindergarten, personal experience. Should I send my child to a correctional kindergarten?
There are different opinions about a child with mental retardation in kindergarten. For parents, the question arises: to send
Autumn motives
Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in autumn, winter, spring and summer: description. Signs of autumn, winter, spring and summer in living and inanimate nature: description
Autumn signs of autumn in living and inanimate nature: a list For many schoolchildren, autumn is associated
If there are no two-word phrases at the age of 2.5 years, you need to contact a speech therapist
The word is not a sparrow. Why do modern children start speaking later?
Most publications and articles devoted to the formation of speech in children under 3 years old talk about
A specialist checks a child's hearing
When parents need to take their child to an audiologist
Hearing problems in children can go unnoticed by adults for a long time. Especially if in
Poems and sayings for different sounds (Automation)
Poems about the letter “O” Oh, a cheerful circle, Like a round pie. It's good that it's so easy
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