Speech therapist works with a child
Methodological development “Automation of sound [V] in syllables, words, sentences”
Teaching children GEF GEF preschool education Preparing for school Fear of homework Problems
Determining the timbre of your voice yourself
Singing voices - characteristics, classification and types
We, singers, are the main instrument of the orchestra. Maria Callas For a beginning singer, it is important to analyze the types
find out your voice range
People with non-human voices (9 photos + 14 videos)
How to find out the limits of your range First, you need to understand the basic difference between singing and
Consultation “Speech therapy massage: why does a child need it and how to carry it out”
The first sounds can be heard from babies at two months, and by the end of the first year
Speech therapy gymnastics for the tongue: classes for children and adults
Article: Even harmless speech disorders in children, such as slight burr, can interfere with quality communication,
Spasmodic dysphonia. Etiopathogenesis. Methods of therapeutic and corrective influence
Dysphonia is a voice disorder in which the quality of the voice (pitch, strength, timbre) is impaired, resulting in
Automation of the sound [Рь] Part 2. Automation of the sound [Рь] in combinations with consonants
Automation of the sound Рь Exercises for automation of the sound Рь: isolated, in syllables, words and sentences.
Speech aphasia in children, afrasia in children and adults
Types of aphasia, causes and correction of aphasia What is aphasia? How serious is this speech pathology?
Materials on automation of speech sounds (the sound “L”) card file on speech therapy (middle group) on the topic
Automation of sound L Automation of sound L: isolated, in syllables, words and sentences. Audio automation
The child uses gestures
Delayed speech development in children: causes, diagnosis and correction
Article: Delayed speech development is said to occur when a child masters oral speech later than expected.
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