Should I take my child to a speech therapist? And how to teach him to speak correctly at home
Article on the topic: Treat or endure? 10 rules of behavior with hyperactive children An employee tells
Presentations by speech therapists, defectologists, teachers and kindergarten teachers
Presentation for the parent meeting “Speech therapy group” Alfiya Rakhmatullina Presentation for the parent meeting “Speech therapy group”
Lexico-grammatical lesson in a speech therapy group preparatory to school on the topic “Vegetables”
Lexico-grammatical lesson in a speech therapy group preparatory to school on the topic “Vegetables”. Material selected for
Organization of speech therapy assistance for children with speech disorders in the education system.
Organization of speech therapy assistance to children Svetlana Tyurina Organization of speech therapy assistance to children Speech is one of the
Didactic games for kindergarten “Child’s Emotions”
Didactic games for kindergarten “Child’s Emotions” Didactic games “Child’s Emotions” (Pictograms) This material
Notebook for individual correctional work with children in the senior speech therapy group
Material for registration of speech therapy notebooks Material for registration of speech therapy notebooks Speech therapy notebooks need to be prepared
Delayed speech development: how to help your child speak
How to develop a child’s speech The movements of the body and organs involved in speech production have the same
Differentiation of vowels Differentiation of vowels of the first and second row Lesson notes
I. Organizational moment. The speech therapist invites students to remember and name the vowels of the first and second row.
Plans for individual speech correction work with children with special needs; methodological development on speech therapy on the topic
Plan of individual correctional and developmental classes of a teacher-defectologist Logical connections and relationships: establishes with errors (extra subject
Hard and soft consonants. Designating them in writing
Selective dictations on the topic: Indication of softness and hardness of consonants in writing. Dictation 1.Task: Write down
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