Correct speech
self-analysis of a speech therapy lesson; methodological development (speech therapy, senior group) on the topic Self-analysis of an open individual speech therapy lesson
Typical speech disorders in children 5-6 years old Most older preschoolers have difficulties with: mastering
Why does the speech “not work”? Normally, by the beginning of the second year of life, the child already begins
Learning to read and write “The sound [e] and the letter E” Guess the riddle... Lives without a body, Speaks without
Speech plays an important role in the psychological and social development of a child. Violations in this area
“Call it kindly” - speech therapy game Purpose: to improve the grammatical structure of speech. Objectives: develop word formation skills;
Article: There is no specific period of time during which one can and should intensively engage in development
MADOOU general developmental kindergarten No. 422 “Lorik”, Yekaterinburg Parents are advised to: Invite the child to name
The development of a child at this age directly depends on the efforts and attention that
A child’s speech at 2 years of age is actively formed against the background of the development of basic mental processes. Thinking