Hoarseness: treatment. What causes voice loss and how to restore it? First aid when a problem occurs.
Hoarseness: treatment. What causes voice loss and how to restore it? First aid when a problem occurs.
Hoarseness is an inflammatory process in which the mucous membrane of the vocal folds is involved, causing the disease.
Learning to read using the Montessori method: 5 games with sounds
"Games with sounds." Game material for preschoolers 4–7 years old
Sound games for children 2-3 years old Preventing a lack of sound pronunciation can be easier than eliminating it
Passive Vocabulary Development
What is passive and active vocabulary and what parents need to know about them
What is active and passive vocabulary? All the words a child knows are his
tasks to develop the skill of distinguishing between soft and hard consonants
Literacy lesson on the topic “Sounds [b], [b'], letters BB”
How to teach children to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds The very first thing you need to teach
Speech development in a child up to 3 years old. How to develop a child's speech
One of the most complex physiological and mental processes is the mastery of speech skills, which
Sounds [З] [З`]. Letters Z, methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)
Automation of the sound [З] in the middle of words: FOR: va-za, ba-za, ko-za, na-zad, fa-zan, ka-zak, smear,
Old talkative women live at the edge of the forest. Tongue twisters starting with the letter Sh
Let's finish the noodles, hurry up and make everyone laugh again. Tongue twisters with the letter Sh for 1st grade
Notes on preparation for teaching literacy “Sound [e], letter E”
Liliya Dashieva Notes on preparation for teaching literacy “Sound [e], letter E” Notes on GCD
Why is the mushroom exercise so important in correcting speech defects?
Hello, dear readers! In this article I will tell you how a tongue exercise will help you
Poems about syllables
Transferring words and dividing into syllables - a list of tasks and exercises
The problem of dividing words into syllables in the Russian language is one of the most difficult in
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