Boy writes
Why does a child miss letters when writing and what to do?
The teacher makes a remark over and over again that the child is inattentive and recommends doing more at home
Stages of child speech development
Delayed speech development in children: causes, diagnosis and correction
Stages of child speech development Trajectories of speech development are individual for each child, due to
Psychological development of the child
Memo for parents “Norm and deviations in child development”
The mental development of a child is a very complex, subtle and lengthy process, which is influenced by many
Sound production [x]consultation on speech therapy (senior group)
Hissing sounds: where to start staging Show the child a card with the sound Ш, draw a phoneme,
Aphasia. Definition. Aphasia as a systemic defect. Classification of aphasias (according to A.R. Luria)
Aphasia is a complete loss or profound disorder of formed speech function as a result of local
MNEMOTABLES: Riddle (Turnip); © Kuzmina Tatyana
The use of mnemonics in the development of speech in preschool children
The use of mnemonics in the development of speech of preschool children It is no secret that
Consonant vowels photo – We will tell the child about the sounds of vowels and consonants while playing.
We will tell the child about the sounds of vowels and consonants while playing. Contents We won’t start with vowels
active vocabulary
Active and passive vocabulary: what they are and how to replenish them
The fact that the language's dictionary contains approximately 300 thousand words is of only theoretical interest
Various types of lip gymnastics in the work of a speech therapist
Hello dear readers and blog subscribers! Today I will tell you what exercises there are for
These and similar tongue twisters help to pronounce
Tongue twisters for differentiation (discrimination) (R – L). While pronouncing tongue twisters, I broke my tongue, broke it... Tongue twisters for children starting with the letter “l” Speech therapy tongue twisters starting with the letter “l”
Tongue twisters for the sound L: 50 tongue twisters for children's speech development and tasks and games
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