Summary of individual speech therapy sessions. "Automation of the sound [R] in words and sentences."
Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson “Automation of the sound [R] in syllables, words” Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on
Peculiarities of perception in speech disorders material on speech therapy on the topic
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Speech restoration program for afferent motor aphasia
Features Motor aphasia is brain damage in Broca's area, which is characterized by irreversible organic
Dyslalia: definition, causes, work plan. “The child is burring and does not speak the sounds R, L, S, Sh...”
Article: Dyslalia is one of the most common forms of speech dysfunction in all children
Methodological development: “A brief dictionary of speech therapy concepts and terms”
Speech therapy dictionary for parents Tamara Gurina Speech therapy dictionary for parents “Speech therapy dictionary for parents”
15 top tests for emotional intelligence
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Games and exercises for the development of auditory perception in preschool children
Games and exercises for the development of auditory perception in preschool children Games and exercises
Definition and characteristics of the development of children with special needs development
Article: Not in all cases the processes of speech formation proceed successfully. In some children, sharply
Exercise therapy for children: features, exercises and recommendations from the best specialists at the MEDSI Clinic
Speech therapy intervention for dyslalia, article on speech therapy on the topic
Why does deviation develop? Incorrect pronunciation of individual sounds is a problem that can be both social,
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