Dysgraphia example
Correction of written speech disorders in younger schoolchildren
Article: This work is devoted to the problem of dysgraphia and dyslexia as a specific disorder of written speech in children
Development of speech with hearing loss: ways to teach children
Features of development of children with severe speech impairments
Features of the development of children with severe speech impairments The main feature of the disorders identified in childhood
Summary of an open lesson, for children 3-5 years old. Wild and domestic animals."
“Wild and Domestic Animals” 1. Introduction to the situation. Didactic tasks: Motivate children to engage
Massage of the hyoid frenulum using probes
Alaminol-preparation for disinfection of speech therapy probes and instruments, concentrated (1 l)
Indications for use: Severe speech disorders are often accompanied by problems with the nervous system. For dysarthria
Features of aphasic disorders in children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury
Types of aphasia, causes and correction of aphasia What is aphasia? How serious is this speech pathology?
Summary of a literacy lesson “The first sound in a word” For children 5-6 years old
The cry of a child - initial attempts to communicate All vocal reactions of a child can be divided into two
Boy writes
Why does a child miss letters when writing and what to do?
The teacher makes a remark over and over again that the child is inattentive and recommends doing more at home
Stages of child speech development
Delayed speech development in children: causes, diagnosis and correction
Stages of child speech development Trajectories of speech development are individual for each child, due to
Aphasia. Definition. Aphasia as a systemic defect. Classification of aphasias (according to A.R. Luria)
Aphasia is a complete loss or profound disorder of formed speech function as a result of local
Various types of lip gymnastics in the work of a speech therapist
Hello dear readers and blog subscribers! Today I will tell you what exercises there are for
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