Reading disorders: causes, manifestations, correction methods
The child went to school and had problems with learning, difficulties in
methods and techniques for speech therapy examination of non-speaking children; educational and methodological material on speech therapy on the topic
Speech development delay (SDD) as a condition or a confirmed diagnosis is observed in children from an early age.
Period of sentences from amorphous root words
Development of coherent speech in ontogenesisarticle on speech therapy on the topic
Development of coherent speech in ontogenesisarticle on speech therapy on the topic Development of coherent speech in ontogenesis
Speech therapy games and exercises on the lexical topic “Spring” for children 5 – 7 years old
MADOOU general developmental kindergarten No. 422 “Lorik”, Yekaterinburg Parents are advised to: talk to the child
Types of rhotacism and pararotacism
What are rotacism and pararotacism: causes, methods of correction
[Р] and [Рь] are the most complex sounds by education, their articulation requires the execution of precise movements by everyone
Summary of an individual lesson for a teacher-speech therapist in a compensatory middle group for children with mental retardation and motor alalia on the lexical topic “Toys”
Progress of the lesson: I. Introductory part: 1. Organizational moment: Time for business, time for fun. Listen to my
A child swallows the endings of words: why and how to fix it
The child swallows the endings of words: why and how to fix it?
The problem of “porridge in the mouth” is often found in young children. Many kids, in a hurry to say something,
exercises to restore speech
Manual for speech therapists. Part 2. Forms of aphasia and methods of speech restoration
Compiled by: Member of the Association of Neurorehabilitation Doctors of Russia Speech therapist - aphasiologist of the first category of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine - Early Neurorehabilitation of the Republican Clinical
Corrective and restorative work for Aphasia. methodological development on the topic
Restorative training for various forms of aphasia The article discusses the program, specific steps and methodology
Mnemonic table
Mnemonic tables for the development of speech in preschool children
The formation and active development of the level of coherent speech for preschoolers requires not only increased attention
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